HKYWA 2015 Fiction 3 to 6 - page 367

Fiction: Group 3
the only possible choice for a bomber.” “Whoa!” exclaimed Josiah. “You make Sherlock Holmes look like a
baby.” Trevor turned and ran off to tell President Chan.
Two hours later, they took a limo to the closest airport, and then took a private plane. President Chan had
organized 300 military soldiers to meet them in Honk Kong, and they would stand guard in the HK trade
center and protect him. “Remember, if you see the convict capture him, use any means necessary but do
not kill him. The fate of China, Hong Kong and millions of traders around the world depend on you. Do
not fail me.” Any rational man would be scared or nervous when hearing such news. Not many people can
handle the pressure, when the world is in your hands. But Trevor was an ex-military, nothing much scared
him. He tucked in and slept.
They arrived at a military base 3 hours later. The military base was a hub of activity, and all personal were
arming themselves with guns and body armour. “Josiah and Trevor were already dressed and ready to go. A
commander walked towards them and said “Ok here’s the plan, our Intel’s told us that culprit Jason Wu, is
going to meet up with the local gangs 2 hours later. So we’re going to intercept him and beat him till he
tells us about the plans of the bombing. Clear?” Trevor nodded and got his gear ready.
They were waiting at the drop out point in the busy streets of Mong Kok, 50 soldiers were ordered to
protect them and capture Jason Wu. They were stationed in a minivan, looking at a stand that was selling
electrical appliances. A few moments later, a man wearing a black coat walked out with a few dozen goons
behind him. The owner of the stand stood up when he saw him, and rushed to the back of the stall and
walked out carrying a big bag. The walky-talky on his belt, whirred and the voice of the military
commander rang out. “Move out!” The soldiers burst out on the street. Jason stiffened and backed away as
49 guns pointed at his face.
They stuffed him into the back of their minivan. “Who are you working for? What’s your next move?”
Trevor screamed at his face. Jason laughed a humorless laugh “You’re finished, your little bank is going to
go poof in 1 hour. You will never stop us!” Trevor raised his hand and smashed his fist against Jason’s ribs.
“Tell me now!” Suddenly, the mini screen in the van glowed, a man wearing an identical costume to
Jason’s in the like the last video was standing in front of the screen. “Hello, China! You know that the
Chinese government is now searching for us in Hong Kong? But their fruitless attempts will be useless, we
gave a false trail and now they’re in Hong Kong, but the fireworks will be in…..Fuzhou!!!!! And about the
24 hour deadline… I lied.” The laughter of both the man in the screen and Jason mingled together.
The screen flicked back to the news and Trevor saw a huge airplane speeding towards the Fuzhou trade
center, he saw military people setting up the anti-air weaponry and aimed, the plane spiraled through the air
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