HKYWA 2015 Fiction 3 to 6 - page 370

Fiction: Group 3
The Future of the Pearl River Delta
Ying Wa College, Leung, Tik Ching Modecai - 13, Fiction: Group 3
21 Oct 2075. It has been six months since he tasted fresh water.
ix months before, the Pearl River was gleaming. The water was pure. Now, atomic waste has laid
ruins along the banks of Guangzhou. Toxic chemicals were dumped into the river gallons at a time.
Arien knelt down next to the shore. How sad, how sad …
20 Dec 2075. The pollution to the Delta region was enormous. Bryan stalked towards the gaping hole in
the wall. The tanks full of plutonium have leaked themselves dry. The government has already sealed off
the area in case anyone was stupid enough to hijack another cruiser and take a dip in the Pearl River.
Bryan’s friends have already died off one by one due to the radiation. Arien was the only one left, and he
has suffered heavy mental torment. The last Bryan heard, Arien has forgotten everything except the history
of the Pearl River Delta. That was terrible. Most of the pain must have come from losing his grandpa,
10 Apr 2025. Isaac was nervous. Real nervous. Like, as nervous as hell. He was about to depart on a
sabotage mission to destroy the Daya Bay Nuclear Power Plant. He was seeking revenge on the
government for destroying his hometown and burning his house down. Grrrr. He was very pissed off. But
now, with the plant looming out of the dark, he was starting to have second thoughts. There were guards
everywhere. With a gasp, he jumped into the water. He kicked towards the shore. By the time the guards
had spotted his abandoned ship, he was deep into the bowels of the plant. Somewhere outside, he heard the
unmistakable bellow of a foghorn of what could only be a navy vessel. He shuddered. Great. Now he had
to walk or swim away from the plant, assuming he could even succeed on his quest. He crept towards Tank
no.1. With his machete, he smashed a hole into the side of the storage tank. Uh-oh. “Take that, suckers!”
With a laugh, he ran to Tank no. 2, as the alarm blared, “Warning. Leakage detected in Tank no.1.” He
knocked down a canister and leapt out of the way and found himself staring at a wall of atomic waste.
Shocked, he only had time to think: What the…before he was consumed by the radiation.
21 Oct 2075. How he missed the clear water! Arien decided to travel to his grandpa and stop him for his
sake and the future of the Delta. He felt bad about it, but at least the seas would be blueish green once
again. He also decided to send a message…
15 Dec 2014. And that is the message we have today. People of the World! Stop pollution! Save the
future, for if we all work hard together, it is not too late to save Arien’s world!
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