Fiction: Group 4
Her old body seems to have exploded everywhere. Her sleek hull plating strapped to two metal appendages,
her smooth head split apart to reveal a angular, rough face; her old metal face now placed over her ears.
Cradled in it’s arms, a long, black object
stands tall, smoking white in the face bright blue of the sky. It
turns and locks eyes with the pilot of the last jet as it swivels to bring it’s weapon to bare.
Gaining new urgency, the remaining interceptor rapidly turns until it’s chain guns point dead center; but it
was too slow, it already had him in his sights.
As the cockpit was ripped apart, the pilot inside was also crushed; spewing out like a mist as it tumbled into
the earth below.
Now spiralling silently in the sky, Geyn pants breathlessly.
A familiar voice resonating through the cockpit jolts him back to attention.
“Sure. Patch him through”
“Attention. Please identify yourself.”
“Finally! a god damn friendly around here! This is VAM fireteam Echelon.
We were supposed to support an infantry division in sweeping this area. We’ve been pushed back by fierce
enemy resistance.”
“SVAM-41, tagname “Arc” at your service”
“VAM-3-189, tagname “Blitz”. Enough chit-chat. We’ve been on the defensive for hours now.
We’ll relay some critical target data to you. When you’re done blowing them sky-high, provide close
support for the infantry”
bright lights flared up all across the sea of green below.
In the time it took for both the jets to go down, an AA squad arrived. Through their communications and
the live cockpit-cam, they saw first-hand the fate that befell the two pilots. The inexperienced units in the
AA team below reeled back in disgust, some vomited; others put down their sights and began inching back
in fear.
However, the veterans simply grunted, wiped their weapons of any blood and began firing shots.
Although caught unaware, the machine quickly responded. Cutting engines, it pointed itself towards the
ground before going down full-blast. After a few milliseconds, several fingers of death reached out from the
forest. Artfully dodged all of them with all the aplomb of the greatest masters of music and dance, flirting
death and danger with every spin, spiral and, roll while chasing these rivers of steel all the way to their
source. Suddenly, one of the rounds landed on target, impaling itself into it’s metal chest. It spiraled out of
control for a few seconds before slamming itself into the midst of the source of the flak fire.
The last thing most of them saw were the debris thrown up from the crater formed before they were ripped
apart from their midsection, screaming in pain as their insides were spit sky-high. A few tried to run, only