HKYWA 2015 Fiction 3 to 6 - page 489

Fiction: Group 4
Now sitting alone in his cockpit, staring at the dark red trees and metal corpses of where his enemies once
stood. Hurting all over. He bent over, only to realize he was choking on a foul mixture of vomit and blood.
“Arc come in! Arc, please respond! are you still operational? Arc?”
Releasing his face mask, he let the foul mixture hit the metal floor. He closed his eyes, trying calm his mind.
The instant his lids shut, he replayed the last moments of the soldier who tried to surrender in his head..
Shocked by this act of betrayal, he shook his head and blinked his eyes; trying to forget what happened.
“Just look into my eyes and focus on my voice”
“Tina? is that you?
Chapter 1:
As I opened my eyes, I realized I was sitting on a sofa back home. Not the bombed-out hell hole it is now,
I’m talking about my home as it was before the war. The sun was bright in the sky outside as I observed my
surroundings. The tv was playing a news broadcast softly in the corner as I tried to shake of my drowsiness.
“Breaking news: as of
five minutes ago, war has been declared on the sta-”
Bang. The door flew open as a cheery woman waltzed into the room.
She was roughly as high as he was, her skin tanned a tone of dark orange that can only be found in those
who work in the sun regularly. As she flung off her long sleeved shirt and pants, I saw the tell-tale white
lines of a farmer’s tan. However, this also made it even easier to tell who had the bigger muscles.
She sneaked across the room only to jump on me, waking me with a jump.
“Hey Geyn, get your fat-ass off that sofa will ya? you know, our family has this saying: “Offer water to
those who catch you fish”. You know what it means?”
“Jeez Tina, I’m exhausted. Also, you and I both know how hot it is and we both know that we’re just
gonna get heatstroke if we try and go fishing under this heat”
“Not my fault you’re a sweaty, whiny idiot who doesn’t bring enough water”
She said as suddenly flicked my nose,
sprinting towards the door.
When she reached the door, she blew me a kiss before taking off a top speed.
“Oh it’s on” I shouted after her as I flung off my long-sleeved shirt.
Eager to catch up to her, I bolted out the door.
“-All citizens are to retreat to their designated civilian safe-zones. Thank you for your co-operation”
As I began to tire, I noticed her. She was only ten meters ahead!
WIth renewed energy, I chased her across the riverbank.
With smiles on our faces, we ran until I was finally able to catch up.
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