HKYWA 2015 Fiction 3 to 6 - page 492

Fiction: Group 4
As the whine of the engine grew louder, my tears suddenly stopped.
I felt calm, my mind with razor sharp clarity and focus. Searching around the craft, my eyes suddenly landed
on the side door. In a fit emotion, I slid the door open.
“Tina! Get in, now!”
“Geyn, I knew you’d find a way, I knew you’d do it somehow”
“Now’s not time for us to get sentimental, run!”
As she ran towards me, I opened my arms as my eyes began tearing up for the second time.
Suddenly, one fist of lighting slammed through her right leg.
“Hang in there TIna! hang in there!”
As the craft began taking off, I ran towards her.
“Tina, don’t die! Here, put your hand over my shoulder!”
“Hang in there!”
By this point, the craft was already over my legs.
In a split-second, I grabbed the landing gear. Using strength I never thought I had, I pulled both myself and
her onto the skids. Hanging on tight, the ship suddenly banked left, narrowly dodging missiles that flew
inches across my face.
“Geyn, I don’t think I’ll make it”
“No Tina, listen to me: you’re going to make it ok? I’ll get you to hospital and they’ll patch you up like
new ok?
Just look into my eyes and focus on my voice”
“Pardon? hello? are you there?”
“Blitz, I’m fine. Over”
“Good god. I thought you died. We need backup, now. They’re closing in and we need you to cover our
He spat out the rest of the mixture in his mouth before applying his mouthpiece.
“Roger that, I’m enroute. ETA one minute”
Just watch me Tina, I’ll return home. I promise.
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