HKYWA 2015 Online Anthology (Fiction Group 1 & 2) - page 209

Fiction: Group 2
How it Ended
G.T. (Ellen Yeung) College-Primary Section, Lau, Hubert - 10, Fiction: Group 2
woke up.
However, I was not surrounded by silence, I was surrounded by tanks,
airplanes, shouting of infantry…
Oh no, I thought, I immediately knew what that was.
I immediately ran into the Anderson shelter in the garden. Some people were already there.
We raised the flag saying “shelter”.
Seconds later, people came pouring in. The air siren roared. We quickly closed the door and
retrieved the flag. We soon heard bombs.
We found newspapermen lying on “my” garden after the bombing. I took the newspaper and
Oh no!!! My heart shouted. That meant we were on the losing side (although this side will win
later) instead of the winning side! (I thought it was 1944 but it was 1941.)
Oh no! A Japanese troop ran by. I just picked up a rifle (I didn’t know where it came from)
and fired at them. They fired back but we were already all in the Anderson shelter. We dug holes in
it and put machine guns (I didn’t know where they came from either) in the holes. Once the troops
saw the machine guns, they seemed to be blown away by the wind. Soon the British army came.
An officer came and said to me, “You and your lads are going to form a single platoon!”
My lads? I thought I wasn’t leading them. However, they thought they were my lads, and kept
asking me what to do next. I was very confused. At the same time, I shouted “Oh nooooo!!” a
gazillion times. I knew the Japanese would shoot a surrendered platoon commander. The worst was,
I CAN’T LEAD A PLATOON! Did they not notice that I was a kid? Anyway, I had to fight. I
asked the offices for biscuits, self-heating soup and ammo. They said they would send them along
with a company.
Soon the materials arrived. We were all relived to see them. We saw tanks patrolling on the
street while our soldiers dug silt trenches facing the street. We were almost sure the Japanese
couldn’t and wouldn’t come. We heard that the Allies already built a line somewhere far away.
That’s great, I thought, that meant the fighting would not be here.
Bang! Whoooosh! “The line’s retreating back!” Oh no! This was exactly what happened when
the Japanese attacked! Tanks were here and there, forming a line, and the British officers urged me
to fire. I looked across the Japanese soldiers charging. Maybe some of them didn’t want to kill.
Maybe some of them didn’t even want to fight, and some may surrender at once if their officers
weren’t here. Besides, I was too kind to kill. However, I might save Hong Kong by killing a vital
commander. I might even give the Allies a jump bridge to save the Mainland. I thought for more
than a minute, then I heard myself saying : ”Fire.”
People immediately sprang to work. Once the soldiers in the silt trenches heard me, they also
sprang into action. The Japanese were surprised by this sudden action and ran away with about a
hundred or so left behind to be killed or caught as
a POW. However, the others closed up, and we continued firing. However, the Japanese lost
wasn’t so big this time. They almost pulled the trigger of the machine gun when the tanks started
firing at them. The machine gun (theirs not ours) was hit and disabled. The Japanese immediately
retreated. We all cheered. Now I could relax. I sat on a chair and closed my eyes…
When I opened my eyes, I found myself lying on the mattress, I looked at the huge screen in
the park, which showed the date clearly: 14
November 2014, Friday. Oh, I was back to my
normal life again! My thrilling trip into Hong Kong’s past (war time period, to be exact) was like an
adventurous dream, and I truly like my time traveling experience.
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