HKYWA 2015 Online Anthology (Fiction Group 1 & 2) - page 214

Fiction: Group 2
The Time Travel
G.T. (Ellen Yeung) College-Primary Section, Wut, Arvin - 11, Fiction: Group 2
would not forget what had happened today. I went to a park this morning, and it was special because
an exhibition about Hong Kong history was taken place over here. There were some placards
described about the life of Cheung Po Tsai who was a pirate in the late 18
century. He had put his
treasures in a cave at Cheung Chau Island. It was known as Cheung Po Tsai Cave.
When I looked closer to the statue of Cheung, I carelessly broke it. Suddenly, a light came out from the
pieces of the statue. The light was so strong that I could hardly open my eyes. When the light was gone, I
found that I was standing at the Cheung Chau Pier. A man dressed like the old days walked towards me.
His face looked like Cheung, so I asked him, “Excuse me, are you Cheung Po Tsai?” He said, “Yes, I am.
Do you know me?” I replied: “Sure, do you really have many treasures?” He said, “Yes, of course. I can
show them to you, but you have to show me yours afterwards.”
He then brought me to a cave which was near the seashore. There were many gold coins and other
valuables. He said “I have showed you my treasures, can you show me yours now?” I thought for a while
and took out my Nintendo 3Ds from my pocket. I told him that was the latest game machine and that was
the only treasure I had. He asked me, “Can I use my gold coins to buy it?”
Once I agreed and took the coins, they suddenly shone so that I had to close my eyes.
When I opened my eyes, I found myself lying on the meadow, I looked at the huge screen in the park
which showed the date: 14
November, 2014, Friday. Oh, I was back in my normal life again! My
amazing trip to Hong Kong past was like a wonderful dream and I truly love my time traveling experience.
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