HKYWA 2014 Online Anthology (Fiction 3-6) - page 247

go, this isn’t safe.” The tour guide whispered.
As they left quietly, they heard footprints behind them, and as they boarded the camel they
could faintly make out the stiletto of a big bear.
As they settled down and took out their lunch, a few khuusuurs, (another type of Mongolian
food, a deep fried pocket with the same filling as the buuz.) When Stella prepared to take a bite
out of the khuusuur, a gold eagle swooped down from out of the blue and grabbed a it out of
Stella’s hands.
“Careful! The golden eagles are really powerful raptors. But they don’t attack humans, they
only attack for food, and their main prey is the jerboa. ” The tour guide said as he shooed away
the raptor.
“Don’t worry Stella, I’ll share mines with you.” Millie said, as she halved her khuusuur and
gave it to Stella.
“Thanks Millie!” Stella said as she bit into her share of Khuusuur.
“We are going to go back to the village first, and tomorrow morning we will set off to take
pictures of the snow leopard, we must leave early and come back early, because it’s pretty far from
here. And the next day we will see some Asiatic wild donkeys and Takhi and at the last day the
Asiatic Ibex.” said the tour guide as he sipped a cup of tea.
“Let’s go!” Millie said as she slipped on her backpack, and slung her camera over her neck.
“Behind you…… O a jerboa! It has really big ears!” Stella exclaimed pointing to the small cute
mouse like animal. Besides from looking like a mouse, it had really really big ears.
“Okay, got on your camels? Let’s go! We are now heading to the north, were we will hopefully
see the snow leopard and the musk oxen.” The tour guide said.
“Look a herd of Musk oxen!” Millie cried, as she pointed to a herd of grazing Musk Oxen’s.
“Shhhh…… whisper! Look a snow leopard is approaching.” Whispered the tour guide as he
pointed to a place they could hide.
Millie and Stella hid behind a rock behind some bushes. And once again watched with awe as
the herd of oxen formed a phalanx around the calves. Stella and Millie both snapped photos like
crazy. And watched as the snow leopard retreated back to the high mountain ridge.
“Today was a nice day!” Stella said as she looked at the photos she took as she sat on her bed
in the yurt.
“I agree, the snow leopard was really totally cool, it’s really wrong to kill these animals.”
Millie replied zooming in to admire the leopard’s beautiful coat.
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