HKYWA 2014 Online Anthology (Fiction 3-6) - page 254

of intertwining roots, life flourished by hope and determination, by unity and understanding.
It takes a very keen eye to notice life lurking in the scarcest of conditions. It is a shame that
few choose to embrace our Land of the Impossible. We have evolved from the seedlings of our
ancestors, but our futures revolve around the fruit we’ve gown. Now, it only appears as if we are
vines dangling from trees with no purpose, nor aim, but even vines have a thirst to live.”
“So what? You want us to bind ourselves to something which its future holds no hope?”
“Not bind, connect. Connect to who you are. It never fails to surprise me how many people are
oblivious to themselves. It is a great privilege to acknowledge who you are, but choosing not to is
a death of yourself. From what I’ve learned, you can choose to hide from this reality, or you can
choose to accept and flourish it. Open your eyes, and for once, realize the potential our home has,
its grace and beauty, its awe and desire. There is so much heritage, nature, life to offer, but so few
to accept them.”
“But what are we supposed to do?”
“Bear in mind, it is more a journey you must acknowledge. This is all I’m capable of advising.
Like today, celebrate your past, let the winds tell stories not of tragedy, but achievement, see the
desert not with distress, but pride, and of most importance, learn to indulge and cultivate yourself,
never betray. As the fire’s glow diffuses, do not consider it an end, but a new beginning to learn,
and it is a hope that you stay open to reconsiderations-of your own.”
The glowing embers faded into ash as all light diminished, and the fire’s core hushed and
vanished. Darkness seeped. For a few moments, the scene lay still, until finally, one stood and the
others followed, land crumbling and robes swishing. In the silence, the Elder smiled, content, at
the children, their concentrated gazes the first sign of rediscovery.
A breath, of life.
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