HKYWA 2014 Online Anthology (Fiction 3-6) - page 588

The Treasures of the four
Ju Ching Chu Secondary School (Tuen Mun), Claude Leung, Fiction: Group 4
n a hot day at the Gobi desert, the sand is still, almost so still that even a snake could
make line patterns without having the other sand covering it. Within the Gobi desert
lived a clan of people, and their position is at the center of the desert. A young boy
named Tar-uka was the youngest of all the children playing soccer near the village.
While the children were kicking the ball, they found an unusual stone stack on the sand. But no
one picked it because it’s stuck on the sand like its part of the desert. Until some kid used a sturdy
rock and rammed it on the weird stone and it cracked and fell.
“Why’d you do that for?” asked Tar-uka, “We could have asked for help from the adults at
the village!”
“Sorry, I couldn’t take it anymore, we’ve spent a long time just trying to take it out, so I chose
to break it and take a fragment of it instead,” said Jakk.
But just as they were about to leave, the remains of the weird stone cracked and fell, making
the sand beneath it explode right up. As Tar-uka ran to the stone, he found that the stone was a
tablet with a hole, making it hollow the whole time.
“There is a map! There is a map!” shouted Tar-uka. “Hurry we ought to show it to the clan leader.”
Back at the village the old man sat and listened to the children’s story.
“Yea and then the stone went crashing onto the ground and the sand is all the eye can see!”
explained Tar-uka.
“Calm down,” said Clan leader Otto-man. “Let me see that paper.”
As the old man unrolled the map, his eyes turned really big. The old man went calm to
speechless. The map he was currently holding was the proof of the 4 mighty symbols of the
Chinese legend. It showed the path of the 4 beast’s tomb and had riddles written in ancient Chinese.
As Otto-man explain the 4 beasts, Tar-uka got really interested. He then asked the old man
if he could take the map and find the so called treasure. But Tar-uka’s parents denied it they
disapproved of their young boy going in a lost hunt. It was, that moment when Otto-man spoke
for the clan.
“Tar-uka is the chosen one, he will be the future clan leader, and the fact is burnt on his
forehead since his birth,” declared Otto-man. “Also that the 4 beast has their own element, this
treasure might be a supply of their own elements and it could be use to our clan.”
So after the elders had a talk to decide whether or not to let the youngster Tar-uka out to find
this treasure. It all came at once when Otto-man said he was the chosen one and all the elders
chose to let him go. Tar-uka was so happy he could finally lead a group to find treasures.
On the next day, Tar-uka was packed with a week supply for treasure hunting to the west.
Tar-uka was followed by two other kids and one adult. They left the clan off to search for
treasure. It was three days later they left their clan and still not finding any clues on the beast of
the west. Until one night, Tar-uka awoke from the camp and saw a tiger shaped material, it was
running and it was perfectly white. It almost blended in the night sand. It ran into a stone and
disappeared, that’s when Tar-uka called the adult to push the stone. Inside the sandy cave they
found nothing but darkness, until they lit the torch. There were so many iron bars. At the center
they found a white coat with fur of a tiger and it was glowing to the map. Tar-uka then wore the
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