HKYWA 2014 Online Anthology (Fiction 3-6) - page 591

half part jacket with wings. Tar-uka picked it up and wore it along side the west and east coat. It
forged together and it ignited it self.
Not long after the whole cave was on fire, Tar-uka quickly picked up the red amulet and ran.
Once he was out, a giant fire rushed up in the air, then formed into a vermillion bird.
“Thank you.” and faded the South.
Then it flew freely until it extinguished, and it was sparkling down the leftover of the flames.
Tar-uka knew he’s close on the mystery so he made use of the coat and flew straight to the
north. He landed and looked at the map. He can’t see anything it was strange that the north part
of the Gobi desert hasn’t got sun light.
Then he walked up the weird garden it had four cactus and a pond. The cactus had a point in
its sides but all pointing south.
“I wonder what this is hey North why don’t you come out and help.”
No answer, so Tar-uka decided to drink some water. When he took his bottle and drank, some
of the water dripped on the cactus. Funny thing happened next. The cactus looked like it wanted
to move. So Tar-uka poured some more water. Then the cactus pointed west. It and then when
it hit Tar-uka. He took the water from the pond and poured water to the cactus until they were
pointing N W S E.
Suddenly the pond started shaking, the water was drained and a tunnel opened to the
underground. Tar-uka walked down in until he met the ground. There was a river and in the
center there was a shell like armor and a black amulet. When he walked on the water, he thought
he would sink but he floated on the water, then he went to get the armor. It forged together and
became whole. It had the claws of the tiger, the fangs of a dragon, the wings of a vermillion bird
and the rock hard plate body of a turtle. Tar-uka gathers all of the amulets and it turned into
a golden coin and then it was written “Yellow Dragon.” He ran out of the tunnel and flew back
to the village. The clan leader was shocked to see him. He completed the task and combined the
siblings together. But Tar-uka believed there was more, so he checked the map again and found
the center to be the destined place.
He found the spot which was under the clan leader’s tent. There was a mold and Tar-uka
placed the coin in it and turned it around. A sudden shake and there was a roar. They ran outside,
the status disappeared and in its place was a hole. Tar-uka walked down the tunnel and it was
nothing but an empty room. He thought for a bit and placed each of the materials he found in the
four beast’s tomb in each corner. Then a hole burst from the wall, Tar-uka proceeded and there
was another room. This time he used the wings of the armor and kept flapping it until the whole
room turned red from heat, then the hole melted down and he proceeded, this time the wall had
chains of some kind of magic restricting it. Tar-uka used the claws and sliced it up, the chains fell
and Tar-uka proceeded. The next room was really tight, he could not move almost like a wall in
his face. He used the sleeves from the Azure dragon to make a cyclone wind burst into the gap to
hit the switch the walls suddenly started falling back into a room. The next room was the same as
the first room but he couldn’t figure it out then he found out the wall was hollow, he used the hard
armor on his coat and bashed it against the wall and it cracked open. When Tar-uka got in the the
last room there was a man in the room waiting. He looked like an emperor but he said nothing,
then he walked up to Tar-uka and patted him on the shoulder, then a big golden dragon rushed
out of the man and went through Tar-uka. Tar-uka stood in silence as he picked up a golden book,
which was sitting on the throne surrounded by a lot of gold. Tar-uka reads the book and then…..
“So that’s how it was.”
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