HKYWA 2014 Online Anthology (Fiction 3-6) - page 808

The Gobi Desert
King George V School, Danielle Foggon, Fiction: Group 5
nce I went to the Gobi Desert I saw a camel with 2 humps on the back and he was little
angry when I was riding on the camel’s back and I was not comfortable and it’s was rocky.
It has gold and brown sand with no water and I felt alone with no friends and
family. I will have heart attack and die if I don’t have any food to eat and any drinks I
should die if I don’t have anything to eat or drink, I would die. The Silk Road takes the animals
like camels going up or down.
Or I could dig a hole to sleep in and use the old clothes to make a tent and sleep in the tent of
the old clothes or sleep in the yurt. To travel to the Desert to look for food to eat I need to hunt the
animals like the Plover bird. If I hear thunder and lighting and if I say help, the poor Mongolians
will take me to the yurt. They give me nice food for dinner and I have a nice sleep. When the
thunder and lighting and rain stop the Mongolians give me a breakfast to eat. And I ride back on
the camel and if don’t go back to my own house and if I had a nice sleep in the yurt and had a
nice lunch and dinner food and if I had my lunch and dinner already I have a nice nap and sleep
in the yurt. And if I finish having a nap and sleep in the yurt and if I had a nice food in the yurt
and if the Mongolians gave me a camel and went back to my own house and I came back from
the Gobi Desert and if I eat my late midnight dinner the Mongolians kick me out and no way Back
home and if I don’t have any food to eat I will die if I get my heart attack and I become a ghost in
heaven and I will scare all people in the LSC and it just only me.
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