HKYWA 2014 Online Anthology (Fiction 3-6) - page 818

brother, the God of the Sea, Dalain created five tribes, they are MoonTribe, ThunderTribe,
StoneTribe, CloudTribe and the SkyTribe. MoonTribe is wolves, ThunderTribe is snow leopards,
StoneTribe is bears, CloudTribe is eagles and SkyTribe is humans. The five tribes all shared the
same language and lived peacefully together as they were created by the same ancestors. But
one day, after some SkyTribe warriors lit up a fire, the humans disappeared the next day and
had never appeared in our world, until one day, they appeared again and some of them carried
guns to hunt us. Then we changed our language and hid this secret for thousands of years since
Thunderstar, had founded ThunderTribe and changed the language into growls to scare off our
enemy and most importantly, the humans.’
‘There are also warriors to protect ThunderTribe.’ Firestar continued after clearing his throat,
‘Warriors need to follow the warrior code and protect the tribe when attacked by enemies. Our
main enemies are humans and some wolves of MoonTribe, especially Saberfang, a huge, gigantic
wolf with unusually long, deadly, sharp, yellow teeth that all the animals of Gobi Desert have
fear of. All the other tribes lived in peace at first, but the peace was fading since the time that
Saberfang had been born. But luckily, StarTribe lead our path, and we are still safe.’
‘What is StarTribe?’ asked Tiglon curiously.
‘StarTribe is a tribe that noble warriors of each tribe go to when they have died. But if some
warriors have made great crimes and are against the warrior code, they will go to another place
called DarkTribe,’ answered Firestar.
‘So I am really a descendent of SkyTribe!’ Tiglon said excitingly.
‘Thank you for sharing these stories to me,’ Tiglon said gratefully. ‘I think it’s time for me to
go home.’
While Tiglon was heading to the underground tunnel, Firestar called him and walked to
‘Tiglon,’ he said, ‘I know that now you are desperate for a home but your mother has passed
away and you are too small to look after yourself. Besides, the world outside is too dangerous.
Why don’t you join ThunderTribe and live with us? Here is safe, and you have a home and family
here!’ suggested Firestar.
‘Oh yes! Why haven’t I thought about that?’ Tiglon asked himself. ‘Why don’t I just join
ThunderTribe? It is safe and once more, it seems a warm and joyful family!’
‘Okay, Firestar. I will stay here,’ after a deep thought, he told Firestar,
‘That’s great, Tiglon. I will hold your apprentice ceremony with Leafcub.’ Firestar said
‘What is an apprentice, Firestar?’ Tiglon asked.
‘Oh, apprentice is a snow leopard cub which will be apprenticed and trained by a warrior or
deputy.’ answered Firestar.
‘But what is a deputy?’ Tiglon asked nonstop.
‘A deputy is the second in-commander who is going to become the leader when the leader
dies and receives nine-lives from StarTribe ancestors in Starpool. After receiving nine lives, their
warrior names will be changed and given their leader name by StarTribe in honour of our wise
ancestors, and now our deputy is Whitestorm,’ said Firestar patiently.
‘So you really have nine lives!’ Tiglon’s amber eyes grew wide with amazement.
‘Oh yes. I did get my nine lives many years ago. My name was Firestorm until I became the
ThunderTribe leader!’ laughed the ThunderTribe leader.
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