HKYWA 2014 Online Anthology (Fiction 3-6) - page 815

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‘Mum!’ Tiglon wailed when he found that his beautiful mother had died by staring at her lying
motionlessly without any breath. His blood went cold at once after this tragedy. He leaped onto his
mother’s bed, hugged his mother tightly and wailed. There were only wails of Tiglon and the roars
of wind, making the scene more wretched.
Tiglon staggered out of his cottage and carried her mother’s body to the foot of the mountain
to bury her. Wind roared and roared which made it hard to walk. Tiglon walked and walked with
unsteady steps. He didn’t realize that he had already walked over the foot of the mountain and he
was walking straight to the remote part of the mountain.
Suddenly, the white, fluffy clouds in the sky began to gather, and soon, it had become a
huge leopard, roaring and thundering with its massive paws toward Tiglon. Tiglon was already
overwhelmed by the tragedy of his mother’s death so he didn’t care about anything. The leopard
banged to him with one paw. Tiglon felt as if thunder was roaring in his ears and he was
unconscious at once…
Chapter 3 - The Knife Of Destiny
When Tiglon Baryon woke up, he found that he was wrapped in a warm and cozy hammock.
He sat up instantly and glanced around. He saw that he was sleeping in a massive, broad cave
carved with ancient moss and it was so tall as if it was linking with the sky. Beside him, there sat
a tall, pale silver-gray and spotted feline with three ginger stripes and an unusually long, bushy,
thick tail.
‘Ah!’ screamed Tiglon when he saw this enormous creature beside him. The feline fixed its
piercing blue gaze on his face thoughtfully. Tiglon was also a bit thoughtful about why this large
creature didn’t gulp him in one mouthful instead of staring at him?
Then, the feline got up and walked out of the cave. Tiglon was curious so he jumped out from
the hammock and followed the feline out of the cave. When he walked out of the cave, he saw
nothing scary, exciting or that made him feel happy, but Tiglon’s heart felt stabbed with pain
when he saw something lying on the clearing. That was his mother’s corpse.
‘Mum!’ Tiglon cried out and then rushed to the clearing and hugged his mother’s corpse tightly.
The large feline whispered to a small feline with a thin dappled tail, bright, spirited amber
eyes and a bent whisker and a large feline with dark brown legs, but the strange thing is, the
three felines had shared the same pelt colour, which was pale silver-gray tabby with huge dark
round spots. After the first feline whispered to them, the two other felines walked to Sasha’s
corpse and started to pick her up.
‘Never try to touch my mother, or I will shred you into rotten pieces of flesh!’ Tiglon growled
at the felines threateningly and bared his small white teeth with a snarl.
‘Oh yes, shred us into pieces if you dare, you scrap of torn feather of a crow!’ the feline with
brown legs jeered and sneered at Tiglon with the language of human unexpectedly.
Tiglon was extremely furious of this insult, but he was more even shocked when he heard that
the feline could speak human language.
‘What did you say?’ Tiglon asked the brown-legged feline furiously and surprisingly.
‘You heard me, stinking fox dung, shred us if you dare!’ the brown-legged feline jeered at
Tiglon, with its cold yellow gaze glaring at him.
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