Non-Fiction - page 9

The Forever Great Wall
Julius Pak Fung Ho, Group 1: Non-Fiction, St. Paul's Co-educational College Primary School
ove to the left a bit. Awesome! Say ‘cheese!’ ’’
“Click!” Nice picture.
Why do I appear to be so tiny in your photo? I assume you have no idea how “great”
I am. According to the State Administration of Cultural Heritage of China, my total length
is 21198 km, which is around half the circumference of the earth at the equator! What’s
more, I was inscribed by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) as a
‘World Heritage’ site in 1987. Don’t you think I am glorious?
“Stand still, you look great! Smile!”
“Click!” Fantastic!
How old am I? You will be astonished if I tell you the truth. Beginning in 220 B.C. Qin Shi Huang
undertook to link up the separate sections of earlier fortifications built in the Chunqiu period (722-481 BC) and
the Warring States period (480-221 BC). They were joined together to form a united defence system against
invasions of nomadic groups from the north. Up to the present day, I begin in the east at Shanhaiguan in Hebei
province and end at Jiayuguan in Gansu province to the west. I was constructed by countless humungous
blocks up to 2500 kg in weight! Don’t you think I am amazing?
“Wow! It’s spectacular here! Come on, quick!”
“Click!” Fabulous!
Am I bored? Not really. I meet people from all walks of life and some of them are remarkable! I still
remember in 1986, a magician called David Copperfield walked ‘through’ me! I must admit that it was such
an exhilarating moment that I will never forget. Controversial events also occur here. Not long ago the
opening of a Starbucks outlet at Badaling was the talk of the town and the main news crews came and broadcast
it on TV! Don’t you think I am legendary?
“Come closer…closer…Okay!”
“Click!” Wonderful!
Am I always cheerful? It is a difficult question. Would you feel cheerful if hundreds of thousands of
people died because of you? Would you be cheerful if you were ransacked for building materials?
Furthermore, the number of tourists can be close to 80,000 on a single day! They are fascinated by the beacon
towers and how wise the ancient Chinese were to use smoke signals to convey military information. However,
I am so frustrated by the graffiti on my body and all the disgusting litter! Don’t you think I am miserable?
“Hey, baby! Mind your step! Okay, just stay there.”
“Click!” You look so pretty in the photo.
You will come again? Thanks. I have been here for more than 2,000 years and I will be here forever
because my symbolic significance in the history of China is incomparable. I am like a spirited dragon flying
up and down along the rugged mountains in north China. I embody the intelligence, blood and sweat, and
above all, the splendid vision of the ancient Chinese.
Who am I? I am forever, ever and ever, the magnificent Great Wall.
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