HKYWA 2014 Online Anthology (Fiction 3-6) - page 103

and legs) and fell through the door, it felt like I had no control over my legs and my shoulder was
making me unbalanced.
When I picked myself off the floor I looked down and saw a large Gobi bear, the one that I
had seen the night before splayed out on the ground, covered in dark, ominous patches of blood.
Hanging upside-down next to it was a large, satanic looking bat with a purple exoskeleton whose
snout was covered in blood. The humungous bat then lunged at Limbs, who had wrapped himself
around my right leg. But before the bat could reach my little bear-friend I pull my left leg across
and kicked the bat right in the neck. The bat hit the wall of his cave, shook off the pain in his
head and took a second lunge at Limbs. What was he after? This time Limbs was the one to react
- he pulled himself off my leg and clawed ferociously at the bat’s snout. The bat began to bleed
heavily from his nose and his empty eyes went red.
Limbs then looked at me with what I thought was a look of sorrow and I knew exactly what
he was going to do. He bounded towards the bat at ran under in and clawed it from behind. It
screeched in pain and turned towards Limbs who this time jumped over the bat after clawing its
eyes. Suddenly the bat shifted its focus to me and leaped for my throat. The force from its impact
on my neck made me smash on to the ground and completely knocked the wind out of me. He bit
into my neck and at the same time I pulled my flick-knife out of my pocket and stabbed him in
the heart. My hand became enveloped in the bat’s blood as it felt like I was drowning in my own.
My last memory was of Limbs sitting on my chest, desperately trying to plug the hole in my neck,
squealing in the pain that the two of us shared.
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