HKYWA 2014 Online Anthology (Fiction 3-6) - page 94

which were like monster stretching their arms. She then quickly picked up the paper and flew up
again. But she was filled with hunger and thirst.
This time, she could see the words clearly. “You are invited to the Land of Peace by an Angel.”
She didn’t know what was it and to whom, she ignored the invitation.
She kept flying on the paper, until it stopped in a cliff wall cave.
In the cave, there was nothing except an antique box with golden patterns on. Helena tried
to open it to look for food and water, but it seems that no matter how hard Helena tried to pull it
open, it’s lid was not pulled apart with the box an inch open. She felt frustrated she finally gave
up in opening it.
All of a sudden, the paper which she flew on shirked, flew above the box, then it was torn.
Moments later, the box lid swung open.
Helena peeked inside with curiosity. There was no food and drinks, indeed. But there was a
cute looking leopard instead.
“Come in to the magic box, Little Girl!” the leopard said breathlessly.
Helena was too surprised to say a word, so she did what she was told.
Inside the ‘box world’ was a huge of grassland. The leopard ran a few steps away from Helena;
it was gradually changing into a human.
There stood a no ordinary human. She was in a white satin dress with a pair of soft and
feathery wings. You could feel her kindness and charm by heart.
She said, “I am an angel from Heaven, and my name is Amy. You are invited by God to help
to save your world. The paper which helped you open the box is the invitation.” Her voicewas as
sweet as sugar, and as nightingale.
Helena asked Amy, “Why am I saving the world and what can I do?” she felt worried.
“The souls of people in you world are invading by evil, and if no one saves them, people will
be as bad as the Devil in a few years’ time. You must defeat the Devil and save your people.” Amy
said. Helena gasped in dismay.
Amy then showed Helena how the world is getting worst, and the strong Dark Power of Devil.
She also reminded Helena that when people did bad things, Devil’s power got stronger and could
destroy the world. The Devil himself taught people to be as bad and as selfish as him; but angels
did the opposite. They taught people to be gentle and humble.
Before Helena went back to her own world, she was given a dinosaur egg from Gobi Desert
with magic power in it.
“You can have magic powers by touching it, but you should never use it to fulfill your own
ambition. And to teach people to be good as I did to you, you must be good yourself. For example,
stand out when there is something unfair happening and be just. If all people are like that and be
less self-centered, the world would be a better place to live in,” Amy warned Helena.
Helena felt guilty and ashamed of what she had done before.
”And now, I must send you home to perform your duty for the world,” Amy said.
With a flash, Helena was back to her own world. But she was in the wrong place since most of
Amy’s magic was in the dinosaur egg and were too weak. Helena was sent to a hospital room. Few
seconds later, she was unconscious and lay down on the bed. Beside her bed, her parents sat there.
A few days later, Helena woke up. She did not remember the things before she went to Gobi
Desert. But she did remember Amy and the dinosaur egg clearly. But she was not sure they were
real or not.
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