HKYWA 2014 Online Anthology (Fiction 3-6) - page 101

‘Alright! Alright!’ Mason answered, unlocking the chains. I tossed Mason over my back and
started to head to the exit ladder.
‘We’re not going to make it!’ Greyson yelled fearfully. We were already almost at the top, but
the dragon was slowing us down. Attempting to grab us from time to time, it made it really hard
to hold our balance while dodging.
‘You need to have hope! You need to believe that we’ll get out of this!’ Nina shouted between
‘This is where you’re supposed to have hope! Do you understand?’ I screamed at the top of my
‘Hope…We’re going to get out of here! We’re going to be safe!’ Greyson declared, climbing
‘That’s it! Here! Grab Mason and throw him out first!’ I said to him.
I never felt that glad to be under the blazing sun ever in my life, but after that, the sun
seemed to be what I longed to see the most after getting out of the mess in the dark hole. When
I thought about it, I had almost forgotten the importance of hope. Hope is like a spark of light
in darkness. Without hope, we wouldn’t have the motivation we have now. That was what the
important item mentioned on the map. I looked at my new friends and waved them goodbye as I
felt myself disappear into the wind and drift back to where I belong.
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