HKYWA 2014 Online Anthology (Fiction 3-6) - page 164

killed!’ He took a deep breath and replied’ Alright then, I will wash the dishes now. Happy?’
The wolf smiled and said politely, ‘This way please.’
Tommy made his way into a dirty oily kitchen and looked at the absolutely nauseating dishes.
Each one defined the word disgusting. The wolf threw him a pair of gloves and dishwashing liquid
and shouted’ Start washing them, moron!’ This was so embarrassing for Tommy. Every dish that
he washed was killing him. He was only half way through the dishes and he was already run-
down. His arms were totally crippled. His waist hurt, his feet were in pain, he was just praying for
all of this rubbish to be over. He started to realize that it was not easy being the grassroots and it
doesn’t feel good to be treated like junk. Tommy felt quite shameful for how he had treated people
in the past. A tear of sadness and regret fell as he stood in front of the dishes.
Suddenly there was a huge bump as the aircraft landed in Shanghai Airport, and Tommy
got pulled right out of his dream, and found himself on the airplane. Not in a desert, not in an
intolerable kitchen washing dishes. He was back on his seat on the aircraft. Tommy was so glad
that it was over. He looked around to make sure he was looking at humans, not animals. He
smiled with huge relief on his face. He took a huge breath and got right back to work.
Now Tommy is no longer a wealthy man that everyone is sick of. Instead he became a
generous person. The job training center that he set up has given chances for people to study, get
jobs and to have better futures. Nobody knew what ever happened to Tommy, to impact his life so
greatly that he would change his entire personality and become so generous and giving.
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