HKYWA 2014 Online Anthology (Fiction 3-6) - page 173

the humans stop what they were doing and stop the spread of global warming. They would make
them listen, they would have to! Snowy gathered the animals and asked who wanted to join
the adventure. Not as many as she liked volunteered and she was worried the people would see
them and kill them for their furs, before they had a chance to be heard. So, she made the very
dangerous decision to find Bad. Every animal in the village told Snowy not to be so stupid, but
her decision was final. She thought Bad could protect them on their journey.
After searching high and low, Snowy stumbled across Bad in the frozen forest – he was all
alone, starving and frozen. She told Bad to snuggle up to Bamby to get warm and she fed him
some warm home cooked food she had taken for their journey. While he ate, he listened intently
to the plan. A smile came across his face, he agreed with the deal and although the animals were
still wary of the big bad wolf, they started their journey to save their home.
They started in Beijing. The wise old Eagle had told them that China was one of the biggest
polluters of the Earth and so this was a good place to start. However, Beijing laughed at the
animals and wanted to eat them and skin them. Bad protected them enough with his sharp teeth
and claws and they managed to escape to Shanghai. This again was a disaster with the people
laughing at them and wanting to put them in a circus. Fortunately Bad scared away those people
as well and brought the animals to a safe place; Hong Kong. Snowy found that the Hong Kong
people understood what she was saying! She told the Hong Kong government that their home
and the homes of everyone was being destroyed and hoped the government in Hong Kong could
help them. After days and of discussion, the Hong Kong government decided to help the Gobi
animals, they would announce to the whole world their intentions and they stopped at nothing to
promote the idea of being more environmentally friendly. Snowy, Bamby and the other animals
all thanked the Hong Kong government and started to make their way happily, back home.
They returned home to huge party organized by Alison the Eagle, she was so proud of her
students and relieved that their home was not going to be destroyed. They partied late into the
night but one animal was missing – Bad. Snowy left the party and made her way back to the
frozen forest where again she found Bad all alone and frozen. Snowy asked Bad why he hadn’t
come to the party but Bad gave a strange answer. Bad said sadly, “I have done so many horrible
things to you all, you all think I am a bad wolf, I didn’t think you would want me there. I never
meant to hurt anyone, I was just trying to survive!” Snowy was so surprised by his answer, she
felt terrible. Perhaps they had all isolated him and pushed him away. She knew as everyone else
did that to survive in the Gobi, you have to rely on one another, they had left him out in the cold,
alone. Snowy insisted that Bad return to the party with her and all the animals welcomed him
with open arms. After all, he had saved them; twice.
Starting from that day Bad protected the animals from danger, sometimes, Bad would even
help the animals to find food. He no longer stole things or tried to eat the animals, instead he
traded his security services for food and friendship. Bamby allowed him to use her fur to keep
him warm and they became close friends, Bamby felt very safe and her moods improved too.
Their home was now safe and they all lived happily ever after. Well, as happily as anyone can live
in the harsh environment of the Gobi desert.
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