HKYWA 2014 Online Anthology (Fiction 3-6) - page 171

dead on the spot…”
Jones was confused, he didn’t love anyone, except himself of course. What was he going to
do? Lie? Of course he could lie but he didn’t want to make the God angry and he definitely didn’t
want to be killed. Jones knew what he had to do. He left the cave and went back to America. He
needed to find somebody to love.
Three years later Jones was in his back garden, a gaze fixed upon one thing. A smile came
across his face as he watched his young son playing happily in the sand pit. His mind floated
back to the Gobi and the promise he had been made. Jones for the first time in his life had tried
to be nice to a lady and it had worked, she had liked him and they had fallen in love. They
were extremely happy; Jones had built a family, he now had lots of new friends and they spent
weekends and holidays together. Life was perfect, apart from one thing. Jones had people he loved
and he decided it was time to return to the cave.
After three long years, Jones packed up his supplies and flew his wife and son to the Gobi,
he dragged them hundreds of miles across the desert on filthy camels and he led them right into
the heart of the Gobi Star. To his surprise it was empty. No water, no gold, no jewels. Once again
he was confused and so he shouted to the God, “I have completed my task, I have a family and
friends. I have brought you not the one, but the two people I love most in the world! Now give me
my treasure.” The God looked down and answered softly, “Open your eyes and look around. You
have true love; a wife and a son. You are now the richest man in the world, as promised.”
Shocked and enraged Jones looked around but what he saw was the loving eyes of his family.
He smiled, kissed them and thanked the God for the happiness that he felt. He truly was the
richest man alive!
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