HKYWA 2014 Online Anthology (Fiction 3-6) - page 335

Marcus were its other features. The weird creature’s skin was bright green. Its eyes were yellow
beads, just like the eyes of a hawk; except it had three eyes.
Finally Marcus came to his senses. ‘ALIEN!’ He screamed at the top of his lungs. The creature
took off his surgical gloves, revealing two big claw-like hands.
‘Calm down. We are here to help you’ the alien had a raspy voice that sounded like nails
scratching against a black board. Marcus wanted to cover his ears, but his arms were still stuck.
‘Then why am I strapped down!’ Marcus challenged.
‘If you were not, you would run. We are healing your head wound.’ the alien said without
emotion. Marcus didn’t know what he was talking about. He could feel no pain and his bruises
and burns had vanished. His thoughts flashed back to his family and how they had died in the
crashed last night. His eyes stung from crying. He felt alone in the world; there was no one left.
Eventually, Marcus looked at the alien and his eyes softened.
‘Thank you. Now can you let me go?’ He asked.
‘There is no point in leaving. You are miles from any human civilisation. You wouldn’t make
it a day out there in the heat.’ What the alien said made sense. But, Marcus couldn’t stay here any
longer. He stared defiantly at the alien. His expression making it clear that he wasn’t staying.
‘Where am I?” Asked Marcus after the alien had released him from the straps.
‘This is an old people’s home for elderly aliens,’ the alien explained with a smile. He said it as
if that was very usual, which worried Marcus. Could there be other places like this? He wondered.
They were leaving the white room, heading down a tight corridor. ‘Um, Alien? Where are we going?
‘Please do not call me “alien”; my name is Zorlek. We are going to meet some inhabitants.’
Nothing was very colourful. The wallpaper was a dull brown and so were the floor boards.
Photo frames of weird- looking aliens lined the walls. Their eyes followed you as you walked. The
air smelt of freshly baked cookies. This was exactly the kind of place you would find old people,
he thought. The corridors seemed to go on forever. Just as he thought that, the corridor opened up
to a large living room. There were a dozen white haired aliens lounging around. Maybe the reason
why the home had no colour was because the inhabitants were too colourful, each alien came
in a different colour: Green, pink, blue, orange, etc. Not only did they come in different colours,
they came in different shapes and sizes. None of them really noticed Marcus because half of them
were sleeping and the other half were doing crosswords. But, remarkably, the one sitting closest
to Marcus got up. It was large, compared to, Zorlek, at least two and a half metres tall. Its skin
was bright purple with some big, sharp spikes going down his spine. He didn’t have white hair like
Zorlek, he didn’t have any hair. He had deep expression lines on his face making him look serious
and worried. He grinned, showing off a set of deadly sharp teeth.
‘This is Voltar. He was one of the commanders who led the mission to earth.’ said Zorlek.
‘Yes, that was 200 years ago and it seems like we will never leave. We’ve been hiding out here for
too long. No matter how hard we try, we cannot fix our ship. We need your help to fix it’ added
Voltar. Marcus knew nothing about spaceships; he hardly knew how to change a light bulb. But
he found himself in an alien old people’s home in the middle of the desert with a group of strange
creatures. He needed to buy himself time to think. He agreed to fix it.
The space ship was huge. It towered over him like a skyscraper. It wasn’t just tall, it was
wide as well. You could easily have fit 10,000 people in there. It was just like any spaceship that
you would see in a sci-fi film. Multi coloured buttons lined the outside of the ship, flashing and
beeping. Marcus had no idea what he was going to do. He was no mechanic, he was just a boy. He
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