HKYWA 2014 Online Anthology (Fiction 3-6) - page 338

could see was a jerboa scurrying across the sand towards the horizon.
Sighing, I checked my watch. It was 5:45. I might as well start the day, but I had no idea how
I could help. Then I heard a commotion behind me and turned around. Vice general Sampson
was stumbling across the sand, drunk. I smiled inwardly. Sampson was a weak link in Unit 22’s
operations. He stumbled and fell, then stood back up with all the dignity a drunken man could
muster, and headed straight for the barrier. Before anyone could stop him, he walked right out.
Realizing he had left the safety of the camp he turned around, hit an invisible barrier, and fell
backwards shocked. The Nitriavo barrier flashed red.
On the big day, everything was normal. The unit was clueless about what would happen
during sunset, except for Jessie. She seemed to be as at unease as I was. She was not her normal
self. A part of me thought back to what Qadan had said. Could she sense the attack coming? At
exactly 5:06 pm, 14th of June, 2113, a horn blew. All the soldiers were alerted by the horn. I
could just make out a line of people marching towards the camp with astonishing speed. Then I
remembered. I had forgotten to shut down the Nitriavo Generator!
The pygmies were within 1 kilometer of the camp! Immediately, the alarm in the camp blared,
and the unit burst into action, all except for vice general Sampson and Jessie. Watching him, I
got an idea. I quickly sprinted over to where he was standing, and ‘advised’, “Sir, we must shut
down the Nitriavo generator so that we can easily enter and exit the camp.” Sampson, in his
half drunken stupor, nodded in agreement and stumbled off to turn the generator off. Moments
later, there was a flash of blue and I knew that the Nitriavo barrier was out of action. With guns
blazing, the unit stampeded towards the attacking pygmies. All except Jessie – she was rooted to
the ground, confused. Before long, the pygmies were in front of the camp, but it was massacre.
Despite the fact that they were seasoned warriors, their swords and spears were no match for the
Desert Eagles, Seismic Charges and the new ColdSnares.
I continued acting my fight, kept Jessie in sight, which was not hard as she still had not
moved. Then, without warning, she ran off. Shocked, I followed her. Jessie kept running until
she reached an oasis. I hid behind a tree and watched. Jessie suddenly let out a stream of foreign
words. She must be cursing Unit 22. Well, she was definitely different. All of a sudden, her eyes
glazed over, and from every direction animals crept in. Just small animals at first, but gradually
bigger animals came, including Gobi bears, and even a snow leopard. Once the whole oasis was
filled with animals, Jessie stood up, leapt onto the snow leopard and saw me. A look of surprise
crossed her face, but she seemed to get over it, and gestured for me to join her. I jumped onto a
takhi, and straight away the animals, Jessie and I were racing across the sand to aid the pygmies
in their fight with Unit 22.
As we neared the melee, I could see that the pygmies were near defeat, and it was up to the
animals to save the Gobi Desert. Jessie led the animals towards the camp, and once we were
caught in the people’s line of sight, all fighting seemed to cease. The pygmies spun around and
went on their knees at the sight of Jessie on the snow leopard, and the unit froze in awe, gaping at
her. She had an aura of power and authority around her. Then she raised her hand as if to steady
the animals, and all at once, they rushed at the men, teeth bared, ears pricked, prepared to do
anything to defend their home. Seeing the animals, the unit turned and fled for their lives.
When only Qadan, Jessie, the snow leopard and I were left, I asked Qadan, “What happened?!”
Qadan calmly explained to me, “The prophecy that foretells the future of the Gobi Desert has just
been fulfilled. It is said that the Gobi Desert shall be inches away from defeat, but the Queen of
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