HKYWA 2014 Online Anthology (Fiction 3-6) - page 340

The Stone Status, the Golden Eyeballs
and the Mogao Grottoes
Shatin Tsung Tsin Secondary School, Ha Yan Wing, Fiction Group 3
suggest Erica and Elliot to spend their summer vacation leisurely, yet they won an
archaeology study competition. What was more, the prize for the champion group was
travelling in Gobi Desert where only the most nefarious, formidable terrorists would
consider hiding, better was totally free, and with two experienced archaeologist, Mr. and
Mrs. Hemlock who were both professors. The aim was studying the Mogao Grottoes located at the
western part of Gobi Desert.
“Star night, star bright” was just perfect for a camp but the freezing wind in Gobi Desert
brought a wistful feeling to them. Mr. Hemlock broke the silence, “Apart from archeology, anyone
want to do star observation,?” he announced. It was a brilliant idea for all children, Erica and
Elliot concurred with raising hands. Desert is dark and boundless, suitable to observe star. Mr.
and Mrs. Hemlock weren’t professional at astronomy yet they’re interested. They lied on soft
and smooth sand covered over with a picnic blanket. Mrs. Hemlock whispered to Erica, “That’s
Sagittarius but I used to call it ‘teapot’. They look similar, don’t they?” Erica smiled.
As they were paying attention to the spectacular scenery, suddenly an immensely bright
comet appeared in the starry sky, made obvious differences with the other stars. It was so bright
that the four people closed their eyes tightly until it went dimmer. They rubbed their painful eyes
and happened to find a colossal pit near them. “My god!” It exhilarated Erica. Although both four
of them stepped into the pit, a space which could fit one hundred big fatties was left. Mr. Hemlock
was a circumspect person. “Look what I’ve found!” he cried.
Mr. Hemlock found a Buddha statue. Mrs. Hemlock magically took out a hemp bag and a
pair of gloves, then she took a close look on it. “Gunmetal, no serious damage, made in China,
time around the Sixteen Kingdoms, vassal of the Late Dynasty Qin,” she said, as she put on a
professional facial expression. At the same time, Elliot was jotting down what Mrs. Hemlock had
said on a writing pad which appeared groundlessly. But then Elliot stopped his writing since he
didn’t understand what Mrs. Hemlock was reading.
Some classical Chinese letters were carved on the statue but they were unclear after a long
period of oxidation. Mrs. Hemlock read each words carefully. However, it took time to translate. Mrs.
Hemlock gave up, “I’ll read it later. Let’s first go back to the campsite, children must sleep earlier.”
Before sleeping, they went to toilet one by one.
There was just one thing they didn’t notice about. An unknown carpet was placed a step far
outside the tent. When they stepped on it, it immediately engulfed them to the extra dimensional.
They found themselves and their tents under a tree with flourish foliage in somewhere like
oasis. Elliot regained his consciousness, he yawned like the Sleeping Beauty staying up from a
deep sleep for thousand years. Mrs. Hemlock was eventually free to read the Chinese characters
on the statue. It was written” I’ll transport my fellowship to the past, and unravel the secret of my
eyes.” Mr. Hemlock reflexively tapped on the eyes of the Buddha, yet, nothing happened. Elliot
and Erica cried,” We’re in the past?”
There was no room for maneuver. They unanimously agreed that they would start the
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