HKYWA 2014 Online Anthology (Fiction 3-6) - page 345

Cactus in the desert
Shatin Tsung Tsin Secondary School, Coco Chan, Fiction: Group 3
artin Lee was anxious. He had a meeting with the boss of Wonderful Comestics
Limited which was one of the famous comestics company one hour later, but he
found himself in a desert when he opened his eyes. A couple of hour before, he was
in his own office packing up his bag as he didn’t want to forget to bring any relevant
file needed in the meeting. He had been prepared for the meeting since last Sunday. He wanted to
show the boss of Wonderful Comestics Limited his splendid proposal of a new product so that the
boss of Wonderful Comestics Limited would accept cooperating with his company. However, it was
over, he could not attend the meeting on time, the boss must be very angry with him and would
not give him chance to present his proposal. Everything spoilt because of this damned desert!
Loathing the desert which made him lost his meeting, Martin started cursing the desert and
stepped on the sand. The sun was so hot that it made him sweating and started envisaging his
situation, he was on a desert and there was only a bottle of water inside his bag. Suddenly, he
remembered that his wife had made a box of biscuit for him. Every day he went to work, his
wife prepared for biscuit for him. Although he had blamed his wife for this many time, his wife
insisted making it as she thought her husband would be hungry during working. He couldn’t help
missing his lovely wife and his children, George and Lucy. He could imagine how worry they
would be if they couldn’t found him. His desire of going home was a magic power that it made
him keep walking forward in the sand even if his shoes had already filled with sand.
He heard a frail sound which liked the sound that someone was groaning, he slowly
approached and found a man whose body was covered by sand. As he approached, the man raised
his head and saw Martin. The man’s eyes filled with hope at the moment, he asked with his frail,
trembling voice ‘Do you have any water?’ Martin hesitated, if he gave his water to the man, he
would suffered as he had no more water. If he didn’t, the man would die very soon. ‘I’m sorry. I
have no water for you.’ Martin answered after careful consideration. The eyes of the man became
bleak immediately .He felt upset But he didn’t regret because he wanted to go home and he knew
his family were waiting for him , he mustn’t died in the desert.
Martin left after telling him he didn’t have any water, he was very sure that the man would
died very soon and he felt sorry for the man. It had been a long time Martin didn’t feel sorry
for others. The business world was complicated that everyone was blinded by gain and not
trustworthy. Dwelled in this kind of business world, Martin’s character was changed that he
became one of the man who valued money and renown very much gradually. However, he felt
very sorry for the man at this moment , if the man had water to drink, the man could survived
longer. It was Martin himself who killed the man as he claimed he had no water.
Martin had been to this desert for two days. Not only did he eat up the food, but he drank
most of the water. Nevertheless, Martin couldn’t find any approach to escape from the desert. He
was exhausted as he keep walking on the sand after leaving the man who made him remind that
he should leave the desert as fast as possible or he would have the same end as the man. Could
I successfully escape from the desert? Could I meet my wife and my children? Martin asked
himself. He was not sure about it. He couldn’t ensure that he could escape from this desert. The
desert was so big and severe.
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