HKYWA 2014 Online Anthology (Fiction 3-6) - page 393

The Adventures in the Gobi Desert
St Joseph’s College, Benjamin Wat, Fiction: Group 3
ing, ring, ring!’ After the alarm clock rung for a ‘short’ five minutes, Alfred, a famous
explorer who never succeeded in any expedition since he graduated from college woke
up, and murmured, “Another expedition! Today... we’re heading for Gobi Desert!” Then,
he realised that he haven’t even packed his necessities and personal belongings. He
quickly dashed to the drawer which contains his air ticket and then, the atmosphere has slow
down. The reason was because his flight departs this night! “Thank God!” Alfred said.
After a whole day of packing stuff, Alfred took the Airport Express and arrived at the airport.
“Oh! I arrived at the airport almost an hour and a quarter earlier than the departing time!” he
whispered to himself. At that moment, he was starving like when he was climbing to the top
of Broad Peak, which is the twelfth highest summit in the world. In order to stop getting more
starved, he looked for a restaurant and ate a scrumptious dinner. After eating the energetic
dinner, he checked in and boarded the plane just on time.
Finally, he arrived at Hohhot International Airport in Inner Mongolia. He took a few trips of
taxis, buses, trains and... Whatever. It took him almost a fortnight arrive at the desert. He trekked
and trekked, but after the first day, he didn’t even ‘trekked’ for one kilometre, because he was
extremely amazed by the scenery of the desert! He took lots of photos of different odd looking
rocks that made natural arches and many irregular shapes. He went “this rock is great!” and “that
rock is magnificently beautiful” for the whole day. After taking nearly thousands of photos, he
pitched a tent in the middle of nowhere, I mean the Gobi Desert.
When Alfred woke up on the next morning, there was a sandstorm, a mammoth sandstorm.
So, he waited until the storm stopped. He waited and waited, he suddenly wanted to watch his
photos which were taken on the previous day. He also wanted to know that did his already ‘superb’
photo- capturing skills improve. Despite he lives in the middle of the Gobi Desert, his camera
was stolen. “Why my camera is always being stolen? Especially in my expeditions!” he sighed.
When the storm stopped, he looked out of the tent and he spotted a mysterious ruins of a house,
a temple, or...even a city that has never yet discovered before! Before he did some research about
the desert, and found some evidence in the Chinese history books in about two thousand years
ago, in the Han Dynasty. He was unbelievably surprised about his discovery and yelled, “I will be
rich after I told it to the world!” When he was trying to take his camera out and take a photo of
his important discovery, he realised that his camera was being stolen. And he knew that he has
a smart phone, but he left it at home because he didn’t want it to be stolen, so he took an old cell
phone without a camera function in it.
Alfred then sadly went into the ruins and tripped over a poor little mouse which was walking
by, but was dead because of Alfred’s lethal footstep. He tip toed into the ruins and accidentally
stepped on a hidden switch on the ground. When he heard of some clicking sounds, maybe from
the levers which operate the trap, he quickly ran to one side and kept his eyes shut. He then
caught a glimpse of what happened. Arrows with sharp edges were fired out of every side of the
walls. He murmured to himself quietly, “Thank God that I didn’t continue to walk forward” He
then continued to walk towards the deep part of the ruins.
After Alfred passed by the main gate of the ruins, he saw the main street of the ruins. At that
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