HKYWA 2014 Online Anthology (Fiction 3-6) - page 386

like a 20s people-a hat and a crutch. He came toward me and stopped.
‘Hi, I’m Sir Charles George, the general of the British. I know you are scared but please try to
calm down,’ he said with his soft voice. ‘Actually, you should be killed in that accident. But there
is a thing that I need from you.’
‘Wh……wha……what’s……th……that?’ I was scared
‘Your courage, John. I was killed by my enemies. I was trying to help this country but those
ungrateful people tried to kill me just because I suggested opening a war in China! And they
did, they caught me and my army then they executed us. I was angry and I swore to myself this
would not be the end, even all of them were died!’ He opened the door and said ‘Help me and you
wouldn’t be dead, you can come back your real life and forget me or you can choose to die,’
I ran toward the door and escape. I was running and he was chasing.
‘Stop running, you should know that it won’t help you. I will find you, do not try to escape
from me!’ he said
I was wetting and running, I didn’t care anything; I crashed to the people on the street. I was
scared but I knew that I couldn’t escape in my whole life. There must be an ending in this case. I
couldn’t let anyone recognized me because I was dead already in this world. So I worn a mask and
changed my name. I was walking to the airport to see whether I could but a ticket to come back
home-the US. When I was walking, someone hit my brain and then I was confused. When I woke
up, I was in a place like desert.
‘John, why didn’t you listen to me? You could have a better life than mine,’ said Charles.
‘You are not only a general, right? You are not only a general.’ I asked
‘Yes, you are right, I am not only a general, I was the secret son of the king. I was born in
a rich family. My mother was only a waiter of a restaurant. My father knew my mum in that
restaurant. They married and gave birth to me. It should be a happy life…… it should be……’
His tear was going out of his eye.
‘Until there is another woman appeared, our life became different. My father turned only care
for the woman, but my mother was ignored, even when she was sick. My mother was dead when I
was 15 years old. I hate that woman and my father. They didn’t even care for me and my mother.
So after my mother was dead. I swore to myself, I won’t let my mum died in vain. My father and
the woman must pay for it. Then I asked to my father for became a soldier. After several training,
I had become a general already, I had an army already. I can even do whatever I want. But the
woman dared to order me to relieve of my duties. Then I killed her and buried her dirty body. I
was afraid that my father would know that so I decided to kill him and replace him,’
‘But you said you suggested opening a war, right?’ I was doubtful.
‘That’s never happen, you idiot! My father-a dictator would only care for his woman and his
gold. To him, war is just like an enemy to him, he doesn’t like war, and he likes gold. I planned
to give him a cup of water that is toxic and killed him. But at that time, some soldiers came and
arrested me because they found the body of the woman. Then my father decided to kill me,’
Then he toke out a machinery and said ‘you will get inside and help me to go back the year,
then I am going to take my revenge!’
‘What about me? I mean am I going to die?’I asked
‘You have already dead, but this time you will be disappeared forever. I am sorry, but I will
never let anything to stop me!’
‘But your father was died a long time ago, right? I mean the past is the past, you shouldn’t
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