HKYWA 2014 Online Anthology (Fiction 3-6) - page 384

things about his clans, his family and his lives. I never thought of the reason for him to keep me
here for such a long time. I never doubted on what he said. I never counted the days. I felt like I
got a new life here, in the desert, a place with something ridiculous but interesting also.
One day, I woke up abruptly from a dream. I looked at sky with a golder sun blazing. I was
engulfed by heat. Until I realized that I should not see the see indoors or else I was moved out
from my original shelter. That was the reason. I lied on the hot sand as if having a sunbath. The
doctor, Mike, had something to tell me. I knew it because he stared at me and made me feel it.
‘Have you heard of the Moving Cactus?’ Mike asked.
‘No,’ I replied softly, feeling shameful for being so stupid.
‘That’s normal. We have never seen that before. It is a legend. I do not know why but I think
you are the one who can find it. It looks like a trident but of course with sharp needles.’ he said
slowly and clearly.
‘I lost all my things. I am not capable in doing this job. I know I have no special abilities,’
I mumbled.
‘Don’t look down on yourself. I have prepared these things for you,’ Mike said, ‘You can find
your route back home as long as you find that Moving Cactus.’
He ushered me down the ridge of the dune and his voice became faint. My journey began.
Moving Cactus. In such a place with terrible terrain, I was sure I could not reach that plant. I
even got lost before. I rummaged through the backpack which was given by Mike but I found a
full water bottle and a portable compass only. They were useless. Finally, I decided to aim at east,
meaning the start of a day.
With merely a little information on the Moving Cactus, I had no idea what absurd thing was
going to happen. I lived in a tent at night which was some kind of tough thing which could stand
still in a sand storm. Luckily, I chose the right route with enough water sources through out
the trip and I forgot to say that I got some canned food to eat so that I would not die because of
hunger. Mike was really attentive.
Five days later, I woke up normally at noon. Actually, I did not know the exact time in the
desert. When I got out of my tent, something pointed stabbed on my arm. I stood in front of that
nasty cactus and pondered for a few minutes. Obviously, it was the Moving Cactus.
I chose my sleeping site carefully and no such dangerous plants should be near to my tent.
It sounded spooky. The next day, similar thing happened and it lasted till I reached the edge of
Gobi Desert.
I could not believe that there was something real like Moving Cactus which brought me out
of the desert. I wondered why Mike would know that. From that day on, I became optimistic and
found that everything can be possible in the world. I would remember Mike and thank for the
help of Moving Cactus.
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