HKYWA 2014 Online Anthology (Fiction 3-6) - page 399

“Gobi of Chinggis Khaan, transform!” boomed Mr Batbayer.
Right after he had said that phrase, the sand, dust and stones on the desert gathered and
changed into a huge giant. The giant blocked the electricity and discharged it back to the worm.
The worm was then paralysed. However, it could still attack. The worm ejected a mouthful of acid
and tried to kill Mr Batbayer.
“Animals of Chinggis Khaan, transform!” exploded Ms Enkhtuyaa.
The animals of the desert gathered and changed into another giant which wolfed down all
of the acid. Then the two giants merged into an even bigger giant which breathed out fire to the
worm. The heat was sweltering. The four people were still dripping with sweat even though they
were already quite far from the flame. The whole worm disappeared into thin air, not even its
ashes were left, and the giant turned back into sand, dust, stones and animals.
“Rattling cheese!” cried Dr Jazzaccentric. “You both got superpowers!”
“Well yes,” said Mr Batbayer. “Both of us are the descendants of Chinggis Khaan and have
the power to transform something into another. We felt that you were in danger so we came to
rescue you.”
“Thank you! Thank you!” Hale said sincerely.
And this is almost the end of the story. Although Hale and Dr Jazzaccentric did not have the
luck to see the wild Bactrian camels and Gobi bears, Hale was able to get some ideas for his short
story and Dr Jazzaccentric was able to do his research successfully. Back in Hong Kong, Hale had
his short story completed and published, and you’ve just finished reading it.
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