HKYWA 2014 Online Anthology (Fiction 3-6) - page 409

birds, such as sparrows and cranes.” Elisa read out loud. “Quick, Johnny, take photos!”
I took out the camera and captured photos of all the animals I could see.
Soon after, we heard a loud thud. The ground started shaking, and the animals scurried
away in fear. I noticed the ground being pierced through, from underground. Then a
humungous, disgusting creature popped up. It was one of the most horrifying things I have ever
seen, with no eyes, nostrils, or even a mouth, and its skin as red as blood. I stammered, while
taking a picture of it.
“What is that thing?”
“Impossible,” she said, dumbfounded. “I thought this was a legend! The Mongolian death worm
is known to be extremely poisonous. If you’re in physical contact with any part of its body, it
results to instant death.”
“Does it have any information in your encyclopedia?” I asked, and she shook her head.
“Matthew,” I said. “What time is it?”
“4:25pm,” he said, looking at his watch. “Why?”
“The time gun!” I said quickly.
Then he remembered, and took it out of his hiking bag, as we started to run away.
“Hurry, Matthew, it’s heading this way!” I said.
“1 more minute!” he replied, looking at his watch.
I looked behind us, and saw the worm not too far away.
We ran as fast as we could for quite a while, until the time gun started glowing.
“It’s working!” he said, but the machine started malfunctioning.
“Oh no,” he said. “It got damaged from the rain!”
“What?” Elisa and I yelled in outrage.
“Calm down! It can still work, but you guys have to jump in the portal as fast as you can.
With its damage, it would only function for a second. Are you ready?”
We looked at each other, and nodded nervously.
“1…2…3!” the gun shot out the portal, and at the same time, the three of us jumped in.
We landed hard onto the floor of Matthew’s garage.
“We made it!” the three of us cheered.
“That was really close,” I sighed in relief. “We almost got eaten up by a giant worm!”
“But didn’t you guys had fun?” Matthew asked.
“I have to admit,” Elisa said. “It’s one of the best projects I have ever done in my life.”
Matthew, Elisa and I became close friends, and planned more places we could visit together
after we repair Matthew’s machine. We also got an ‘A-’ in our project, since the teacher said the
death worm ‘doesn’t exist’. That’s okay, though. It’s the fun and adventure that matters the most.
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