HKYWA 2014 Online Anthology (Fiction 3-6) - page 40

place to crash land. We were walking towards absolutely nowhere, hoping that someone will show
up and save us. After two hours or more, we were so tired and blinded by the wind, we decided to
just collapse on where we were.
All of a sudden, the ground beneath us started to shake, “A plane crash, now an earthquake?”,
I thought. “We sure aren’t going to cheat death this time.”. I then saw a long and wide shaped
figure making its way through under the sand. I squinted to get a better view of it, it looked like as
if it was a humongous worm. Its gigantic redhead emerged from the sand, its mouth open wide with
hundreds of rows of razor sharp teeth, its glowing eyes looking right at us. I whispered, “Run.”.
Sprinting for our lives, we leaped through the desert, not looking back. We could outrun
this thing if we didn’t stop. Problem is, could we? The creature let out a disgusting shriek of
desperation, and increased its speed on us. I was crying uncontrollably, “I can’t!”, I exclaimed.
“We have to keep going!”, the guy said. My stomach was sore and my legs were burning like hell,
I face planted into the sand and laid dizzy. “Get up it’s gaining on us!”, he shouted. “You go on
without me, I can’t do it.”, I said helplessly. “I’m sorry.”, he said, still holding onto my hand. “It
isn’t your fault.”. He let go and ran off like the wind into the distance. The creature had reached
me and rose to its full form, its mouth was just about to gob me up when a voice said, “ükhekh
chötgör!”. The creature turned into stone, its eyes still locked on mine. I breathe in and fall back
into the sand, unconscious.
I blinked. I wake to the warmth of a fire place and a fluffy blanket made of some sort of fur.
My stomach had been treated and bandaged. It was such a cozy atmosphere, I completely ignored
my aching body, and cherished the moment. An old man with neat white hair and beard, dressed
in what seems like cavemen clothes, lifts the cloth open into the room and directly says, “You’ve
been saved by our clan, you were under attack by the Mongolian Death Worm. You have now been
exposed to us. You can never leave”. Startled by his statement, I said, “Thank you for saving me
but, why must I stay here?”. “No one on earth knows about our kind, we are half alien and human.
No one can ever know about our existence.”. “Then why did you save me?”, I asked, confused.
“Us Alimans don’t believe in killing living creatures, that is why we only stoned the Worm, it
will return to its normal form in a few days. All of our furs and material are extracted from dead
animals and humans, in memory and good use of them.”. Another dark skinned man with a lot
of face and body paint appears through the door and says, “Master Sikwazuki, we have found the
boy.”. “Brilliant,” said the master. The man lead him out and I followed behind. The ‘house’ was a
giant tent, in which lived a lot of Alimans. When we reached the main tipi, a a few men got off
their glowing blue camels and dragged a guy towards Master Sikwazuki. He was the guy I had
left the plane with. “Let me go!”, he yelled, struggling to get free of the guards hands. “Don’t you
worry boy, you’re in good hands.”, said the Master, grinning.
The Master explained the history of their kind and told us about the wonders of the Gobi
Desert. We were so intrigued and amazed by the story we decided it wasn’t so bad to stay after
all. The truth was, we were brainwashed. “ guys will get to sleep and stuff, do nothing, far
more interesting than an average humans’. How does that sound to you guys?”, Master Sikwazuki
finished off. As if we didn’t have our own thoughts, we automatically say “Sounds great!”. After
we were left alone, I finally ask, “What’s your name by the way?”. He gives me a half smile and
says, “Luke, and yours?”. “Natasha, you can call me tash.”.
Our minds were locked, totally unaware that we were prisoners of the Alimans. Roaming
around the place, like zombies. Sometimes my mind brings me back to the day of the crash, and
I think of my family, and my future. But then Master Sikwazuki blocks them out. Blanking my
brain out. Giving us no purpose to live, no reason to feel, but just another glitch in the world.
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