HKYWA 2014 Online Anthology (Fiction 3-6) - page 46

They swiftly descended down the mountain and reached the campsite just before dusk. The
humans were astonished to see them upon first sight, a bit frightened, even. And slowly but
surely, the trio proved their peaceful intentions and gained the humans’ trust. Through their
Mother, they had learned loyalty and loyalty only. But through humans, they had learned to love,
they had learned to care and respect. However, despite their reluctance, they had also learned
hatred, arrogance, and, murder.
A few weeks after they had settled down, they intercepted a call from outer space. It was
Mother, but the call wasn’t directed at them, but a so-called clean-up team. What could that
possibly mean?
Here was their conversation:
“What do you mean ‘they’re not there’? You guys are all useless! I didn’t send you just to tell
me ‘they’re not there’! I don’t care what you do, or how you do it, just find them! And if they’re
not dead, you know what to do.”
There was no doubt. It was Mother who spoke those words. And the trio had quickly come to
realize that the ‘them’ mentioned in the call was themselves. It all made sense. Mother was trying
to get rid of them by sending them to the middle of nowhere. They were sent here to die. She had
used them for long enough, and when she was done, she threw them away like garbage. They had
no choice but to face this horrible fact.
“She thinks she’s so smart and superior.”
“What are we going to do now?”
“I say we go ahead and fight back.”
“Teach her a lesson.”
“Let’s do it.”
At once, they went to work. With the assistance of humans, the trio souped up their spaceship,
adding more firepower and armour, anticipating a hard-fought battle. They were determined to
neutralize Mother and eliminate everything that stands in their way.
After they bade farewell to their fellow humans, they headed towards the direction of their
Mother-ship. They expected to encounter heavy fire, but they went straight through the defenses.
When they finally docked at one of the docking bays, two guards were expecting them. “Come
with us,” one said, “Mother wishes to see you.”“Well, that’s convenient.” So the trio followed them
into the heart of the Mother-ship, the control room, where Mother was located. She immediately
went over to them and embraced them. It was a trick, a useless one. The trio had already seen
through it, and they had no intentions of negotiating. They had made up their minds. The only
thought that was in their minds right now, was to kill.
And kill they did.
They killed Mother. They killed the only person they cared about. Yet they did not feel any
guilt, nor sorrow, nor loneliness. For they had each other, as friends, as comrades, as mates. They
had had a special bond between them this entire time. It was something not Mother, nor the
humans taught them.
Friendship.They had known each other since the beginning of time. They had done everything
together. They had climbed mountains together, literally. It had been hidden in their hearts all
along, but it had not shown itself until now. They looked at each other and embraced each other in
a three-way hug. They had never felt so happy.
But when they look back upon this incident,
not only will they cherish their friendship, they will also realize, that they, too, have
become, murderers.
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