HKYWA 2014 Online Anthology (Fiction 3-6) - page 48

everyone can live together peacefully in the society.
You may wonder, how is it I came to believe in this pitifully wrong concept?
I don’t know.
It seems to me thatthe conscience of the human heart leans towards the positive, easily
ensnaring the innocent. It is unfortunate for me to only realize my mistake after falling into this
pitcher’s trap.
I shall always remind my forgetful self: do not be accustomed to the luxury of friendship;
they are only false images that reflects how often the ‘wise’ deceive themselves. In a sense, it is
even worse than a rainbow, as the friendship while short, had never been true.
Everything you think you know exists under the basic concept of loss and gain. Every action
of a human is done simply when the personal gain is larger than the loss. Even selfless acts to
save others through risking themselves are done to gain the satisfaction of their own conscience.
Can you ever deny it?
Face it! In this cruel world of greed and injustice, you are alone......
His eyes hardened as he came back into reality. He was in the Gobi Desert, a perilous place in
which snakes, scorpions inhabit. There was no room for the lack of attention, nor was there any
time for self-reflection……
“Sir, the enemies are coming!” cried a soldier beside him, taking no notice of his leader’s
thoughts. “Comrades, prepare for battle!” Quickly, bows were fastened, shields were locked; every
soldier in his army understood that it was either the death of others or of themselves. With a
battle cry, he switched back into his mask of indifference, as his enemies fell from their horses
one by one. The sun was still shining brightly as the Battle of Gobi was won without breaking
a sweat.Even though he prides himself in being cold-hearted, he can’t help but pity that many
valuable lives were lost in the process. His mood being dampened by the killings, he did not even
bother to congratulate his soldiers on their good job, he went back to his tent, as the day’s toils
took him away almost instantly.
In front of him lay thousands of skulls. Out of the thousands, two stood out that attracted his
utmost attention, his half-brother’s and Jamukha’s. In horror, his heart came to a halt – these were
the skulls of all those he had killed. Hesitantly, he looked into the skull’s glittering eye.
Were my actions justified? He saw himself ponder in the reflection. Was there more to life
than personal gain? Perhaps my life is a tragedy, but what right do I have to make lives of many
others tragic? Perhaps…… Suddenly, he saw the gears in hishead stop turning. No, you’re being an
idiot. What is life but gain? If life is a game, at least I should gain pleasure from it, should I not?
No, I had decided to be emotionless, I will NOT be swayed from my path again. The wind howled
as he thought. A big, grey cloud formed above him and ‘swish’, a lightning rod from the heavens
were brought down upon his head. ‘Thud’, his lifeless body fell to the ground……
He was startled awake by a general. News from the Jin Emperor came through that though it
was a battle lost before it was fought, the Jins would not surrender without a fight. You bunch of
low-lives, he thought, you would not be spared when you have been defeated by the Mighty me!
“March onwards, comra- my followers!” He changed his wordings as he spoke. No longer would
there be jokes among ranks; it was time that authority should be seen as it was. He internally
smirked, as he had a war to win, a country to rule over.
Little did the Great Genghis Khan know, that night, he had finally struggled free of his
conscience he thought was long gone.
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