HKYWA 2014 Online Anthology (Fiction 3-6) - page 63

left. He’s back here now to see this place, to see the town he once dubbed the city of fantasies.
It was a magnificent place, a symbol of money and what deceiving a country means. A pretty
dream, a lovely fantasy. But fantasies are not reality, and sooner or later the truth penetrates
through the façade that the dreams provide – and the dreams shatter, like panes of glass in
weathered windows. Ordos was never prosperous, but now it’s just a city of broken dreams…
A man walks where a boy once ran, the wind still singing the story of this derelict desert-
town. The song of the past immortalized, a reminder of the sheer arrogance of a country that
refused to accept the truth about itself and what its people wanted. Reality always comes back
to haunt you, after all, and fantasizing will never get you anywhere. The desert will reclaim its
own, and one day, a hundred years hence, this ghost city will be no more, the legend unable to
withstand a century and losing in the fight against a history of abandonment.
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