HKYWA 2014 Online Anthology (Fiction 3-6) - page 69

Discovery College, Gigi Ho, Fiction: Group 3
w,” exclaimed Clare as the guards bound her wrists tightly with an electric cuff. She had
given up on struggling, “That really hurt…” but they didn’t care, and neither did they
The guards soon led Clare to their secret headquarters. She was blindfolded the
whole time to prevent from knowing the way. After a long bumpy ride, they released her blindfold
and pushed her into a cell harshly, then shut the door with a loud thump. The cell was dark and
dirty, gloomy, dim, and musty.
As she sat there on the cold wet floor, her thoughts swam wildly inside her head.
Why did they lock me up? What do they want me for?
As if answering her thoughts, the cell door opened in a loud creak. Light shined into the tiny
cell and Clare could see a faint outline of a tall thin man coming through the doorway. The man
had squinty eyes as small as a mouse, a hooked nose of a wicked witch, a pointy chin as sharp as
a needle. His oily head reflected the light from the hallway, which was shiny as if made of metal.
He wore a suit, pants, and leather shoes, all in black. He had a sickly thin and fragile frame like
the suit was weighing him down. At first sight, Clare knew the man was more than he looked,
probably evil judging from the appearance.
The man stood there examining Clare, staring straight into her eyes, sending a chill down her
spine, as his eyes were two pools of whirling darkness churning in a hollow pit. Clare couldn’t
stand the stare; she looked away, and felt immediate relief.
“Greetings, Clare,” rumbled the man in a deep frail voice, “I’m D’ evril, the leader of this
society.” a crooked smile was forming on his nasty face.
“We lock you up because you are a serious threat. You will become more and more powerful
as you grow up, and your kind will be the biggest obstacle to our great plan.” D’ evril continued,
“By now you should have realized that you are no ordinary girl. Unfortunately, you’re never going
to find out. We’ll leave you in the Gobi Deserts soon, to suffer and eventually starve to death.
What a good way of execution.”
“I know you don’t understand any of this,” he chuckled, “you don’t need to. Who cares…” he
laughed wildly as he turned and walked away.
Clare shivered, that man was creepy. At the thought of her execution, she felt fear working
its way through her body. Silent tears rolled down her pale face. Why does this happen to me?
She crawled slowly to a corner and sat down, pulling her legs up to her chest. She buried her face
in her arms as hot wet tears streamed down her cheeks continuously. She wanted to disappear,
simply vanish in thin air. She wanted to believe this was nothing but a bad dream; that she would
be back in her comfy bed when she woke up. She curled up into a ball and fell asleep.
“Up! You little thing!” shouted the guards as they closed in on Clare. Still fuzzy and
weary from her sleep, Clare sat up groggily, rubbing her eyes. When she noticed guards were
everywhere, her muscles tensed and she was wide-awake.
“What d’you want?” she demanded. They gave no response, but pulled Clare quickly onto her
feet and escorted her into a long and narrow room with human sized tubes neatly ordered in two
rows against the walls. When they arrived, D’ evril was already there waiting for them.
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