HKYWA 2014 Online Anthology (Fiction 3-6) - page 71

out of here…
Who are you? Clare inquired, hoping the voice could hear her.
My name is Oceane, answered the voice in dead seriousness, and if you wanna escape, please
follow my instructions—
Why are you in my head? She interrupted.
Telepathy. Explain later. Now, do as what I say.
Clare nodded.
Stand up.
She rose from the ground instinctively.
Close your eyes. Feel the power buried deep inside you.
She let her mind relax. There was a tiny silver flame appearing almost simultaneously under
her closed eyelids. The sand around her jumped up to embrace her.
Try to control the wind. Connect your flame with the wind and light, trust your powers.
The wind and sand around her churned up like a whirlwind of storm. Her dark hair blowed
stormily. She focused on the flame and brought it forward to her heart.
She put both hands over her heart. Slowly and steadily, her hands enclosed around the tiny
ball of flame. She took it in her hands with care, and exposed it to the wind around her, the light
overhead beamed through the thick sandstorm into her hands.
Relax. Think of nothing.
Where the wind, light, and her flame met was a pool of rainbow sprouting out like a water
fountain. She felt her body being sucked into the rainbow, and relaxed.
Fast as lightning, her feet landed on cold tiled floor with a clatter.
She opened her eyes into a place of pure white and clear blue.
An underwater city with an arched ceiling made of glass; fishes were swimming merrily on
top. Crystal chandeliers were hanging gorgeously, shining luminously, winking like stars in the
night sky.
Hey, Clare, said a familiar voice.
“Welcome home.”
A drop of tear trickled down her cheek.
Home... Clare was looking far away blankly, far beyond the transparent walls, thinking of
her family…
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