HKYWA 2014 Online Anthology (Fiction 3-6) - page 637

fascinated of them. He organized and placed stuffs in the desert and soon gained happiness from
all of those.
On the 7th day, the fairy asked them for their progress.
‘Um… well… the plant is… great! It is… stronger now!’ ‘Okay, make sure it’s alright on the
10th day.’
‘Happiness may be as simple as laughter, or even just a smile. Everyone has to rest, well, but I
think hard work is more indispensable.’ ‘Yup, that’s right. Keep going!’
‘These are stimulating! I’m getting better and I learnt more about these!’ ‘Wow! You found
your interest! Aren’t you happier now?’
Big or small, lies are lies.
On the 10th day, the fairy was there to give judgments and to decide who can leave Gobi Desert.
The fairy came to the seedling. Yet, the plant was still weak, like before, or maybe it’s dead
now. ‘Didn’t you say it was great? You lied. You failed.’ Eric’s heart pounded. It had never been
that fast. He still couldn’t believe that a fairy could make judgments in his life. But it may be true
that he couldn’t get out of the Gobi Desert anymore.
After that, a boy with a splendid smile came in front of her. ‘I have to be happy, have to think
positive, and give myself time to relax! Is that what you want me to learn?’ The fairy smiled and
nodded. This boy had learnt. This boy had changed. This boy pasted.
Finally, the fairy flew to the ‘Modern World in Gobi Desert’. Its eyes full of amazements!
That barren land became a high-tech place! And just by taking a look at Oscar, he seemed like a
professor! He had changed. He made his life meaningful. He passed.
‘And the result is… Luke, you pasted. Oscar, you pasted. Eric…’
Suddenly, a wall of sand came behind them.
In that moment, one said ‘I was wrong.’
No one had ever seen them anymore, no one knew who were they, do you?
‘Good evening! This is ABC news and I’m Tinker Fairy. A flock of students demonstrate as
a protest in the streets today. They were against the education system since they thought they
were having too much pressure on it which led to failure in finding jobs. As a result, they got no
incomes so this increased the number of poor…’
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