HKYWA 2014 Online Anthology (Fiction 3-6) - page 643

While the detective party eating their lunch, they are thinking how to find a dinosaur. Mary
uses her Geography skills and infers that dinosaur should hide in a warm place and this place
must have some food for them to eat. Therefore, she asks Terrance and Andrew search where the
hottest place in Gobi desert by internet. However, owing to poor network in Gobi desert, they try
to the magic lamp and ask it to give them answer. But they have waited a long time and the magic
lamp doesn’t answer them anyway. As a result, they feel very depressed.
While they are thinking the answer, there is a resident come to them and say ‘hello sir, what
are you finding? Maybe I can help you!’ Andrew then reply him ’we are finding the place that
have many dinosaur. Do you know where we can find them?’The resident says ‘Oh, you guys are
finding dinosaurs! You can find them all after walking to the left direction.’ Mary said ‘thank you
for your help!’
Then, they follow this resident’s route and hope that they can see some dinosaurs. After
walking 2 hours, they finally hear the sound of them which means they have reached the place.
Therefore, they immediately go to search for the egg. Suddenly, Mary shouts and says ’I have
found two eggs but I don’t know which one has put the treasure in them.’ Then, Terrance says to
Mary ‘That easy! We just need to knock the eggs and then we will know where our treasure is
hidden.’ After he says that, Andrew knocks the eggs immediately and discovered that both eggs
has some gold and a paper which shows them the route of their next place to hunt. Amy and
Terrance feel so happy when they find that because they can finally finish their goal.
At that time, the weather of the Gobi desert suddenly become very warm like a fire burning
land which look like it want to celebrate them finish their goal finally. When they are enjoying
the sunshine shining on them, the magic lamp says ‘Congratulation boys and girl! You can
complete your mission, so I feel proud of all of you. I hope that in this hunt, you can learn that
in this world everything is possible but you must need to work hard before you get a good result.’
Saying these words, the magic lamp disappeared and they all feel proud of themselves and
promise that they will remember the magic lamp’s lesson from now on.
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