HKYWA 2014 Online Anthology (Fiction 3-6) - page 641

Have you ever thought about the
Shatin Tsung Tsin Secondary School, Iris Kwok, Fiction: Group 4
ong long time ago, there was a Goddess of Wonderwork named Gobi. She created the
Sahara Desert which King of the Gods, Zeus and Queen of the Gods, Hera loved very
much. After she had made the Sahara Desert, she was exhausted, so she asked Zeus for a
twenty-year holiday. Zeus agreed.
During this holiday, Gobi lived as human. Also, she gave birth to her son, Apollo. She raised
her son as a single mum. They lived in the Sahara Desert until Apollo turned ten years old, she
went back to live with the other Gods. Zeus summoned her almost at the moment she stepped in
her home.
Zeus ordered her to create another wonderwork in Asia. Therefore, Gobi returned to her
normal busy life.
She and Apollo used four years to make an extremely huge rock. Then, she asked her son,
‘Where should we put this rock?’ Apollo answered, ‘See that “chicken”? Let’s throw the rock
there!’ Gobi smiled, ‘You mean China, right? All right, that’s a good idea!’ As a result, this huge
rock was placed in China.
Zeus was amazed by her son’s and her talent, he promised to give Apollo a job after he had
grown up. This made Apollo became arrogant, he thought his mum was not creative enough as
the look of the rock was too ordinary. He tried to change the rock’s appearance stealthily day by
day, to make it becomes statuary. When Gobi discovered her son’s act, she was very angry. She
tied Apollo up to prevent him from touching her work again. To show his perseverance, Apollo
kept on blowing the rock. He wanted to change the shape of the rock by strong wind he creates.
Unfortunately, he rock was broken down into sand because of wind erosion one year later. The
sands and formed a desert.
Before Gobi knew about what was happening, Zeus found that out and was really furious. He
thought that Gobi‘s work was not up to standard as the rock was made of bad materials. Due to
his extreme anger, he put Gobi to death. Nobody, including all the Gods, dared to talk about Gobi
anymore. From that moment onward, people know nothing about Gobi.
The deserts were taken over by the Goddess of Hearth, Hestia. Zeus took Apollo as his own
son. He explained with the reason that Apollo was really talented, but the actual reason was he
regretted killing Gobi. When Apollo turned eighteen, he became the God of the Sun and Music.
Although he treated Zeus and Hera as his own parents, he never forgot Gobi. He felt guilty. He
begged Hestia to name that desert Gobi Desert. ‘Although no one will know who created this
desert, at least they will mention my mom’s name when they talk about it.’ he said. Hestia was
moved, so she agreed. She keeps on releasing her hearth and Apollo always let the sun shine on
the Gobi Desert. That’s why the Gobi Desert is always hot.
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