HKYWA 2014 Online Anthology (Fiction 3-6) - page 78

spirits have spells in Latin. Tell everyone about this story. Spread the word. If you overpower the
spirits, they will let me go. But you have to be quick. If everyone knows about the spirits, all will
break loose and they won’t be able to control it. Be quick! Thanks for being my friend.” I nodded,
blinking back the tears.
“It is time to go Gobi and Khara…” The spirits whispered, dragging them away. I watched
them as Gobi and Khara turned into spirits. Magical sparks whizzed around their frozen bodies,
moving faster and faster until it was a bright blur. Suddenly, the sparks exploded and Gobi wasn’t
a person anymore. The same thing happened to Gobi. “Goodbye, friend.” A group of spirits flew
off with them, leaving me in shock.
“Now we must perform the memory spell on you. You shan’t remember any of this. Whatever
you may remember later on, you must not tell anyone.” A yellow spirit told me.
“Memoria abierunt et non revertentur” The spirits chanted, flying around the room. Suddenly,
everything went pitch black.
I woke up in my own bed, as if waking up in the morning. Then I remembered what Gobi had
told me. “Da mihi in memoriam reducit” I whispered. All the memories came back. I remembered
everything. I wrote it down on a piece of paper and gave it to someone. I told them to read it, then
pass it on.
You will not know my name, I would like to keep that confidential. Gobi life is in your hands.
Please don’t let them down. Once you finish reading, pass it on. Soon, everyone would know this
story. The real story that will help release the spirit of the Gobi Desert.
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