HKYWA 2014 Online Anthology (Fiction 3-6) - page 781

they lived.
One day as the family and Hazel were having a scrumptious meal, Hazel said something that
absolutely stunned everybody, “ You know, I’ve been wondering for a couple of days now that I’ve
known a lot about the Gobi desert for my article and I think that it’s time for Lihua to experience
how other people live and so I think that Lihua should come with me to America”. There was a
sudden sound of dropped spoons. “ We are definitely not allowing this kind of nonsense,” roared
Gang. Chan responded, “ I think I completely agree with this”. There was a lot of persuading and
fighting going on and finally, Gang agreed “ oh fine, but if anything and I mean anything goes
wrong with my daughter, then I will not let you come here ever again”. Hazel jumped with joy
and booked flight tickets to America.
After that day, everybody had made was busy in preparation for Lihuas visit to America.
Lihua was very excited yet very nervous. She had never in her life gone somewhere out of her
comfort zone. While Lihuas family was getting the best they can for their daughter, Hazel was
giving a lot of different gifts to Lihua, like a phone and even a tutorial on how to use a knife and
fork and more.
It was finally the day for Lihua to go on her expedition to the unknown. There was a lot of
crying and hugging and what not. Lihua was wearing her new jeans and T-shirt. The journey
to the airport was not difficult because Lihua was the translator (obviously!!!!). “ You might
be wondering how we are going to go all the way to America right, well, we are going to
take something called an airplane, It’s like a giant metallic bird that flies in the sky, It’s very
comfortable inside, It also has very nice staff”. Lihua started to feel very safe but then a sudden
thought came across her mind, “ You mentioned before that the flight is going to take a couple of
hours so within that time, what are we going to eat”. “Don’t worry about that, there will be food
on the plane,” answered hazel. Now Lihua was fully assured that there wont be any trouble.
Lihua had finally boarded the plane. She did feel a bit scared when the plane took off but later
on she felt safe. She learnt that there was something called TV. All that Lihua lived on was a small
radio that hardly works, so seeing moving pictures was awesome in her point of view. Whatever
Hazel said was absolutely right, the staff was nice and there was food. Lihua
Also learned a lot of new things like buildings.
Finally Lihua and Hazel reached their destination. Lihua was amazed at all the buildings and
the amount of people. “ Just like me, you are going to stay at my house with my family” said
Hazel. Lihua was really excited about her stay at Hazel’s house.
Lihua was greeted by a warm welcome by Hazel’s family members. She could tell that Hazel,
like her has a little sister. Lihua could tell that were she lived was so teeny compared to Hazels
house. Lihua also found out that hazel had indoor plumping to her surprise. Lihua now knew that
she had a lot of new things to learn about.
By the time it was the next day, Lihua had learned so many new things. Lihua was even given
a tour of Hazel work place. It was full of desks and computers and what not. Lihua also visited the
big apple. Not only had Lihua seen new buildings, but had also made friends with some of hazels
colleagues called Britney and Rebecca.
Lihua spent the rest of the day talking with family and, believe it or not, the family did cry a
lot as well. Day after day, Lihua was starting to think bad thoughts about herself like ugh why did
I have to belong in the desert and why can’t I be like Hazel.
While Lihua was eating dinner, Hazel made an announcement, “Lihua, I think it’s time
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