HKYWA 2014 Online Anthology (Fiction 3-6) - page 783

The God’s Door
Ying Wa College, Yui Hin Law, Fiction: Group 4
long time ago, even before the age of dinosaurs, was the world of Gods. They created
all the things here – forests, lovely creatures, and playgrounds. One of the largest
playgrounds was the Garden of Adam, somewhere between Mongolia and China
nowadays. All the Gods loved to come here and lived among the singing of the birds
and the fresh fruits from the trees. However, what really made this place so special was that there
was a door, a door to a hidden world which was the birthplace of every God.
The door was the only thing that was not built by them. It was formed naturally and no one
had the power to break it. However, it was so important that they still protected the door with
a fortress because it was an access to their birthplace, the source of power. Once the door was
closed, they would lose all their power and vanished in this world. Everything was quite peaceful,
until the change bought by a God, Alan.
Alan was the owner of the Aileen’s Garden, which was next to the Garden of Adam. He was
one of the first Gods who came to this piece of land and started creating all sorts of creatures and
gardens. He built his garden on his own, and even helped to build the Garden of Adam. However,
the other builders did not allow him to stay in that place because he kept suggesting new creations
while the others thought it was already perfect. Furious, Alan went away and created his own
garden and created lots of evil creatures to stop the other Gods to get in.
One day, the Gods held an urgent meeting in the fortress. They were all scared of the new
creature that Alan had introduced.
“Today we are going to talk about the trouble that Alan has just made,” said Dick, the leader of
the Gods. “What should we do about it?”
“Killed it,” shouted the crowd. “It is too powerful and dangerous, with its huge claws and
sharp teeth.”
“The problem is that we cannot enter the Aileen’s Garden,” said Dick. “Alan will stop us by
all mean.”
“Then we go together,” one of the Gods said. “We may gather all our power to fight against him.”
“Yes, we need to stop him!” the crowd yelled, moving towards Alan’s garden and being ready
to fight.
“Wait,” Dick said. “Alan and we all are Gods, why are we fighting each other? We need to be
friends instead of enemies. Let me talk to him in person first.”
A few minutes later, Dick arrived at the gate of Alan’s garden. There was a huge fence, with
really thick bars touching the sky and sharp spikes stretching out between each bar. They were
quite creepy and it made Dick feel uncomfortable.
“Hello, is Alan here?” Dick yelled. The gate automatically opened and a mysterious voice told
him to go in.
The path was so dark that Dick could barely see his hands. The creepy old trees alongside the
road could freak everyone out. Suddenly, a hand lay on Dick’s shoulder. It was Alan.
“Hi, Dick,” Alan said with his creepy voice.
“Hi,” Dick replied. “I come here because of a rumour has it you’ve making a new creature.”
“Well, I’ve made one,” Alan said.
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