HKYWA 2014 Online Anthology (Fiction 3-6) - page 826

“Wake up! Wake Up! I saw a mystic green spot far away. Let’s go and see.” The family, being lured
by the green spot, grabbed a coat in their hands, ran out of the cozy ger camp without hesitation
and went into the borderless desert.
They walked and walked. Out of the blue, Dr Franklin’s son, Max exclaimed, “Mum, Dad, do
you feel it? We’re all standing on some grass!” Dr Franklin touched the ground and gasped, “Oh!
We are all stepping on something like wet mud. We’re walking inside a forest.”
All at once, they saw a huge tree in front of their eyes. They slowly raised their heads and
found a mighty tree with branches poking out of the clouds. It looked like the Saxaul Tree shown
in the morning news before. It had hand-like branches with lush-green leaves pointing to the sky.
Next to the tree, there was a fierce-looking lion statue, with thick mosses wrapped all around
its body and penetrated deep into its eyes, wearing the whole body entirely. Unexpectedly,
the mosses dropped, showing two sorrowful eyes made of precious sapphire, shining alone. Dr
Franklin dropped his jaw. He slightly patted the head of this wild beast. All of a sudden, a crystal
bottle with delicate carving, rolled out of its mouth. Dr Franklin hesitated for a second, then
grabbed the bottle with his rough hands, but it turned into dust and slipped through his fingers.
Black smoke spewed out from the broken bottle and slowly formed into clusters of alphabets. The
alphabets started to shuffle and formed a message in the musty air. It read.
Danger lies ahead, step back or move ahead.
Pluck up your courage, touch the Saxaul tree.
Chapter Two - The Land of Lomse
“What does that mean?” Franklin pondered. Coincidentally, the whole family stepped forward,
touching the old Saxaul Tree without a second thought. Bang! The gigantic tree fell over. Web-like
roots pointed towards the sky. A deep crack appeared down their feet. They tumbled head over
heels down the crack. Their screams echoed all the way down. They reached out their hands to
reach for something, but it was in vain. Crooked faces of fierce and horrible monsters flashed out
in their eyes. Anyone who had ever seen those faces would be scared to faint. The fall was finally
settled on the dusty floor of a room. It was so dark that it was hard to see their own fingers.
Muggy air filled every corner of the room. They were all soaked with sweat. A chilling gust
suddenly blew into their skin that made them tremble all over. Instead, the candles on the two
sides of the room lit up automatically. They heard an eerie laughing sound. Swaying spider webs
were seen hanging all around the room. Ten creepy dark shadows were crawling painfully on the
two sides of the walls. The ten shadows slowly rolled their eye balls and stared at the center of
the room. Their bodies crouched as if they were having a spiritual ritual. A huge spooky shadow
slowly emerged at the center of the room.
The huge shadow spoke slowly in a low voice, “Good morning, Dr Franklin. I am Ghost Mania.
Welcome to the land of Lomse. I’m going to help you to finish your mission.”
“What mission?” Dr Franklin shouted, followed by a long silence.
Ghost Mania wandered around the room. Then stopped, pulling out a toad from its ear. The toad
spit out a cloud of purple mist and it turned into different kinds of magical tools. A small booklet
dropped on Dr Franklin’s hands and it turned open by itself, it read:
1...,816,817,818,819,820,821,822,823,824,825 827,828,829,830,831,832,833,834,835,...836
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