HKYWA 2014 Online Anthology (Fiction 3-6) - page 827

Dear Dr Franklin,
The hints below can save your life. You should either read it or die.
First, look at the five tiny bottles. When you get lost, open the bottle, the mist inside will drift
out and lead you to the right way.
Then remember to keep this shiny golden key. It can open any locks.
Lastly, this is not an ordinary mirror. This can show you who the evil is.
Caution! The most important and precious magical tool are these tiny green beans inside this
glowing sack. They represent wishes and hopes of the whole world. Throw them to your enemy
when you are in utmost danger. Remember to use them well!
Franklin closed the small booklet. He grabbed the glowing sack and put it into his ruck sack.
His wife, Sarah, grabbed the other tools and packed them up.
His son, Max, was astounded. “Wow! I haven’t been to such a cryptic place before!” He
His sister, Nancy, with eyes widely open, whispered in a trembling voice, “I want to go back
home now! I felt so scared. Please leave here. Dad, can you…”
“Bang!” A loud voice came from the left side like an explosion. They all turned their heads.
Inside the room, a huge wall broke into pieces of fragments and collapsed.
Franklin bellowed with fear, “Ghost Mania! Are you still here? Please help us!”
But all the shadows left the room through the broken wall, leaving them alone. The candles
went out in a flash. There was a long silence. The whole family decided to leave the room through
the broken wall and walked into a corridor.
Chapter Three - A Blanket or a Monster
“Let’s go!” Franklin said, breaking the silence.
“Who’s stepping on me? It really hurts!” said with a young lady’s voice.
“Leave me at once or I will open my mouth and swallow you all!” The same screeching voice
cried out.
Franklin asked, “Do you know who is talking? She sounds like you, Sarah!”
“What? No kidding please,” his wife snapped, “the one who is talking is this nasty drain lid
you’re stepping on. Look at it, we are going to be swallowed up.”
“Run!” Dr Franklin shouted, grabbing little Nancy with his arm. The others followed. They ran
till the dead end of the corridor with the drain lid chasing behind.
“This metal door is the only exit,” said Max breathlessly, “but it is locked.”
“Try this golden key,” Sarah suggested.
Click! The door unlocked. They dashed in and locked themselves inside a spacious room. After
a few powerful bangs, the drain lid was gone.
Being overly exhausted, they collapsed on the floor and took some rest.
“I feel so cold!” Nancy whispered with her body rolled up like a hedgehog.
“It’s ok.” Franklin said, with Nancy hugged tightly in his arms.
When they almost fell asleep, a thick, wooly blanket appeared.
“Hurray! That is what we need to keep warm. It should be a present from Ghost Mania,”
said Franklin.
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