HKYWA 2014 Online Anthology (Fiction 3-6) - page 822

Then they found a cave on the cliffs. They stepped into the cave with exceptional caution and
saw three men, who were the bandits they were looking for.
Bone Snake, Ice Hoot and Blood Scourge were kneeling beside a huge, colourful,
glimmering diamond.
‘Bone Snake, Ice Hoot and Blood Scourge! All you three roll out from your stoll full of fleas!’
Firestar let out a menacing deep growl.
‘You think your guys are so powerful, huh? You are just rotten bones, melted ice and stinking
blood.’ Tiglon continued then.
The three men stood up arrogantly and bowed to the diamond.
‘What should we do, master?’ asked Blood Scourge.
‘Kill’em all!’ An eerie voice echoed.
The three bandits unsheathed their sabers and pointed to Tiglon and Firestar, ‘Never try to stop
us from destroying the world, or we will slice you into pieces!’ Blood Scourge threatened them.
‘Attack!’ Firestar waved his long tail high and cried.
Tiglon unsheathed the Knife of Destiny and fought the three bandits with Firestar.
‘Get the Stone of Destiny and destroy it!’ Firestar cried.
Tiglon rushed to the front of the diamond. Suddenly, a ghostly snow leopard appeared. It was
the largest creature that Tiglon had ever seen. It was gigantic with fearful white teeth, dreadful
and deadly claws, massive and hefty paws, a ragged pelt criss-crossed with scars, and cunning
pale yellow eyes.
‘Tigerstar!’ Firestar was shocked. ‘You were the cruelest and most blood-thirsty leader I had
ever met! But why are you there? You should be dead and was banished to the DarkTribe!’
Tigerstar swayed his frightful front claws and leaped at Firestar and Tiglon. Firestar slid away
with a swift of his tail and Tiglon swung his knife to Tigerstar.
‘Clang!’ claws and knife crashed. Tiglon slashed one part of Tigerstar’s claws away and began
to give him another strike.
Just then, all the carvings on the knife shone, and the diamond has the carving also same as
the knife. Meanwhile, blue light shone, Tiglon felt his eyes glowed. Then he felt he was soon lifted
into the air, feeling that power was coming everywhere. He felt his power from his father and the
warmness from his mother. He let all his power focus on the blade of the knife.
With a mighty strike, Tigerstar was sucked into the diamond and was locked in it. He cried
crazily. It made the Stone of Destiny roll and roll.
Chapter 6 - The Last Chance
When Tiglon wanted to destroy the Stone of Destiny, Blood Scourge said, ‘Hey, you, don’t
destroy our master, or I will kill this snow leopard and make you to go to hell!’
Tiglon turned his head, he really saw Firestar lying on a stone and worse was that a long,
silver saber was hanging on his neck.
‘Don’t care about me, young Baryon! Just save the Gobi Desert and finish your quest!’ Firestar
shouted seriously.
While Tiglon was floundering, Ice Hoot suddenly cried, ‘Oh Jesus Christ! It was Galen Tuimer
Baryon! No!’
Then, Bone Snake followed to yell, ‘Blood! It’s Galen Baryon! He has revived to take his
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