HKYWA 2014 Online Anthology (Fiction 3-6) - page 824

Tiglon gazed at Whitestorm, the old deputy’s blue eyes were shining under the sunlight. Tiglon
could imagine how he fought bravely for his tribe. Firestar’s expression was hard to read, but at
least Tiglon knew that Firestar was sad for losing his loyal deputy for a very long time.
Tiglon was sad too because when he first came to the tribe, Whitestorm always encouraged
him when he despaired. He mentored him sometimes when Firestar was sick or took his journey
to Starpool.
Firestar walked to the Highledge slowly and jumped onto it. All the snow leopards under the
stone stared at him.
‘As you know, ThunderTribe had lost a loyal and brave deputy, Whitestorm,’ Firestar began
his speech, ‘We will all cherish our memory of him, and hope that he will have his wonderful and
magnificent life in StarTribe.’
Then he dipped his head, followed by all the snow leopards and Tiglon.
After a long silence, Firestar announced, ‘The time has come to appoint the new deputy of
ThunderTribe. I say these words before StarTribe, that the spirits of our ancestors may hear and
approve my choice,’ he paused and cleared his throat and declared, ‘Tiglon Flameheart Baryon
will be the new deputy of ThunderTribe!’
Yowls of shock rose around the stone.
Tiglon pondered long and deeply for a while. Then he stood up and walked to the foot of
the stone. He said aloud, ‘Firestar, snow leopards of ThunderTribe, it’s my great honour to be the
deputy of ThunderTribe, but I can’t do it.’
Yowls of shock rose again and Firestar stared at him surprisingly too.
‘Firestar, all the snow leopards of ThunderTribe, my mother had always told me to follow my
destiny. I didn’t really get it at first, but I get it now. I can’t live forever and spent my life like a
snow leopard. I am a human so I must do my duty as a human. My uncle, aunts and the entirely
family members are all waiting in my home tribe far away from the Gobi Desert. Firestar, I
am going to leave the ThunderTribe and look for my destiny as a human. Thank you for your
mentoring and care for me. You have also provided a great home for me. I treat you as my dearest
friend in my life. Also, thank you to all the snow leopards in ThunderTribe, especially Leafstorm,
for encouraging me always and helped me when I first came into the tribe.’
After his farewell, Tiglon gave Firestar and all the snow leopards a deep bow. As Tiglon
left and disappeared in the underground tunnel, all the snow leopards sat at the same place
expressionlessly and everything remained an eerie silence.
The soft, warm wind sang its song softly in the Gobi Desert. The sun was above the horizon
and about to fall. Tiglon unsheathed the Knife of Destiny, waved it to the pale orange sky and
said, ‘Lead the path to the place where my family live!’
Just then, the sky shot down a blue-green light and shot a straight long line to the ground.
‘ThunderTribe had given me an endless mercy, especially Firestar, and he treated me as if I am
his own son. I swear by StarTribe that I must bear a hand to them once they get into trouble to
repay their kindness to me,’ Tiglon promised himself.
The dying sun blazed out its dying pale amber gaze. It flamed up the dark orange sky and the
pink clouds; it made Tiglon’s dark brown hair and dark amber eyes glow; it also brightened the
burning desire of the path of destiny in Tigon’s heart.
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