HKYWA 2014 Online Anthology (Fiction 3-6) - page 92

huge green place where people could grow flowers and feed sheep,” said the man.
“Does it keep crying?”I asked
“I can hear the crying,” said the man and he kept listening to the ground. “Currently, it is crying
because it spent a number of years thinking it was completely useless and wasted all this time.”
“Although it has a short life, humans spend a lot of days thinking we are useless. We barely
find out the reason for our destiny and think that God is unfair to us. When the time finally comes,
we will have been shown the reason why we were born and we think it is too late to change and
keep on suffering. In the desert, we blame ourselves for the time we have wasted before.”
“Can the desert hear what we have talked about?” I asked.
The stranger nodded.
“I am unsure the desert would like to hear it,” said the man. “It is used for suffering and it
can’t see things differently.”
“So, why don’t you do the same thing as me when you feel people lose faith. Let us pray.”
The stranger gave me two prayers today.
‘The first prayer is finding your purpose in life and living it with passion.’
‘The second is mourning it takes so long, so it is too late to regret your past. But you should
rejoice that you’ve found your purposes now. Do all that you can to live a meaningful life that
God has planned for you.‘
‘Thank you for the prayers, stranger’ I said to myself. ‘Aren’t the prayers the beautiful
encounters in Gobi?’
It was the final day of the tour. We were at the airport. The sad scene reminded me ‘it is time
to leave’. I tried to find Nancy to exchange contacts and I spotted her in the gate. However, I only
could see her in the crowd and she walked fast. It seemed that she has nothing to miss in Gobi.
Since then, I have never seen her again.
It is sad but it helps me remember that the thing I need to remember. Sometimes there is so
much beauty in the world but I can’t take it.
Then I returned to school and wrote an article about my experience in Gobi. When I was
reading the school newsletter, I saw a captured photo which was posted in the school newsletter,
in the tour. It was Nancy. Now I think about the stranger’s prayer. I should never morn and regret
about the beauty that I have lost, but I have to be grateful for what God has planned for me to do.
It’s to find out the meaning of life.
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