HKYWA 2014 Online Anthology (Fiction 3-6) - page 138

The Sand Dragon
Heep Yunn School, Wu Sin Yee, Fiction: Group 3
t dawn, before the sun rose up, a teenage nomadic girl had already sneaked away
from her cave, crawling noiselessly to the Oyuu Tolgoi with her adventurous heart and
bravery, ready to explore this mysterious and unknown place.
However, there was just a sea of endless sand, and nothing for her to explore. As
she decided to leave, she carelessly slipped on an enormous rock and fell down, shouting, “Ouch!”
All of a sudden, she heard a cracking noise behind her! She turned around quickly and questioned
with her icy sharp voice, “Who are you? Why are you here? What do you want?”
There was pin-drop silence.
She took a step back and she saw dinosaur babies hatching beside the rock. However, she
noticed that a grey egg hadn’t hatched yet. She held it up gently and embraced it in her warm hug
carefully. She then dashed home as fast as she could because she wanted to own a dinosaur - that
would be fun.
She was puffing and panting when she arrived home, yelling breathlessly to her grandmother,
“Granny! I found a dinosaur egg! Right here in my arms!”
“Oh, my girl, that’s not a good joke,” replied her grandma coldly, without looking at the young lady.
“But it’s real! Please, take a look, just a look…” The girl begged frantically. “Alright!” the old
lady rolled her eyes, showing annoyance at the girl.
It seemed that she was terribly shocked when she took a closer look at the egg. She mumbled
in terror, with her teeth chattering and her face turned white, “This…isn’t a dinosaur egg…this
can’t be…extinct already…”
“Granny? What extinct? What do you mean?” The girl was puzzled at what her grandma
was saying.
Before the horrified grandma began to speak, the egg had started cracking! “Oh no! It appears
to be the sand dragon which has been extinct for 1,000,000,000 years!” she screamed with fear as
the egg cracked, unveiling dazzling yellow beam and sand flying out.
The old lady was too terrified so she fainted immediately, but the young lady seemed to be
very interested in this baby golden dragon. She glared at it doubtfully at first, hesitated if the
dragon would hurt herself, but when she was sure nothing like that would happen, she walked
forward and held the baby dragon to her breasts and sang “I love you, Golden, my sand dragon.”
She finally decided to keep Golden as a pet dragon.
Days passed by happily. In a blink of an eye, it had been seven years since the teenage girl
had kept Golden, and the girl turned her huge sand dragon into a well-trained dragon, which
obeyed all its master’s orders.
Unfortunately, the girl’s father was extremely ill and he was standing at the edge of death
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