HKYWA 2014 Online Anthology (Fiction 3-6) - page 135

Mysterious Symbols Spotted in the
Middle of the Gobi Desert
Heep Yunn School, Poon Sik Yi, Fiction: Group 3
he headline of the newspaper came into the sight of Geneviere. Geneviere didn’t know
why, but the feeling of getting to read the article was stronger than ever. Abstractedly,
she picked up the pile of newspaper and intently read through the article about the
mysterious discovery in the Gobi Desert.
As she read on, her bony fingers subconsciously clutched around the very edge of the
newspaper. Her grip was so hard that knuckles could be easily seen through her bloodless and
pallid skin. Her whole body went ice cold as she began to shiver savagely. Her mouth went dry
once she caught the sight of ‘the lines were made by ancient aliens’. She felt a stabbing pain in
her chest. Her hands unconsciously clenched into balls of fists as her eyes began to fill. Glistening
tears silently slipped away from her onyx eyes. She was petrified. She didn’t know what that
meant. And she had no idea why she felt so much pain for a news article. The pain was throbbing,
indescribable. No one in the world would ever survive from this tremendous pain, she thought. It
was like being slashed into million and trillion pieces of flesh and not allowed to scream for help.
“! This can’t be happening...” she shrieked. Her eyes widened in paralyzing fear.
Shaking ferociously, her mind went completely blank. The last thing she knew was that she had
drenched into the memory of her previous incarnation.
“Head to the Gobi desert,” a husky voice ordered subtly. The owner of this voice was a
superbly gorgeous man. He’s got piercing silvery blue eyes. He didn’t look like a mortal, he’s
somehow... extraterrestrial. Yet, his feature was strong and hard. He looked as if he was an
astonishing sculpture sculpted by some old and experienced old artist. Every part of him was
perfect, flawless. The coldness of him just ruined everything.
“Yes, sir,” a group of young and strange looking men answered obediently. No one dared to
stand against the beautiful man. They wouldn’t want to know what the consequences of it are.
They didn’t even dare to imagine. The beautiful man subtly nodded approvingly and turned away.
The corner of his lips secretly lifted. His sapphires hardened even more. He looked as if he had
decided to do something. Something big – something that’s so big that it might determine the
destiny of the people on earth.
“Yes, sorry... Excuse me, father, please?” an incredibly gorgeous woman asked. She’s an Asian.
Her cheeks flushed in crimson red, looking embarrassed.
“Geneviere, he is our partner. From now on, we will be trading with him. He will give us the
products of his country and we will give him the silk.” A chubby man announced proudly, a bit
more like arrogantly, as a matter of fact. He’s an Asian too, with onyx eyes and dark hair.
In front of both of them were the beautiful man and his men. They seemed to have dressed
up for the occasion. They bowed to the gorgeous woman as well as the fat man politely and they
looked up.
“Your majesty, I’m Titan.” The handsome man bowed again and murmured softly. He gestured
to his men and continued, “And these are my men.”
The stunning woman, who’s called Genevieve by her father, was blushing furiously whilst the
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