HKYWA 2014 Online Anthology (Fiction 3-6) - page 139

because he had eaten some poisonous fruits in a nearby forest. The doctor who had most
experience in the village believed that if the girl’s dad didn’t have a dragon’s heart to make
medicine for himself, he would die in a day or two. Before the doctor left, he sighed, looked at
the girl and shook his head hopelessly , “But I think those dragons became extinct long ago, so
your dad’s life…” without having finished his lines, the girl with her anxious face full of tears had
already dashed out of her dad’s room.
Should she kill her adorable friend dragon? Or let her papa die? She couldn’t make any
decision in this mood.
At night, she could barely sleep. If she didn’t make the final decision tomorrow, her dad would
die. Golden could feel his heart pumping in his chest. He knew what had happened to his poor
master. He took a deep breath, then took his dear master to the place where the girl had found him.
The girl hugged Golden tightly, then squeezed his tummy gently. She knew why Golden had
brought her here—to save her dad’s life.
“Golden, but I…I can’t live without you! You’re my only friend, since there are no other
teenagers in this village. Please don’t go…I love my dad, and so do you…” The girl sobbed with
sadness. However, the dragon wouldn’t give up. Teardrops ran down like rivers from both the girl’s
and the dragon’s eyes. Golden whispered in his master’s ears, “I was born for saving others’ lives,
so I’m not scared of death. I have a wish…I wish that I can save your dad’s life, and protect the
other villagers from the poisonous fruits again, and I’ll miss you…”
At that moment, Golden’s body shone brilliantly with shimmering yellow and orange rays. He
looked just like the way he did when he hatched. Golden waved goodbye to his master, whispering,
“I love you…” as he vanished in the bright light that formed a ball and exploded into uncountable
bits of sand, covering the forests, grasslands and lakes, and formed a desert. The ball explosion’s
strength slowly died down. Everything became silent again, as if nothing had happened. Nothing
was heard, but a long sobbing sound of a weak girl. Then, a heart shaped stone floated up to the
earth’s surface. It was the Golden’s heart.
The girl picked up the stone as fast as she could and ran to the doctor’s house as fast as a cheetah.
The doctor smashed the stone into power and poured it into a cup of water for the girl’s dad…
Since the girl’s dad was cured, everyone was cheerful again, except the young girl. She
couldn’t sleep at night thinking about Golden‘s shattered heart. She sneaked out to the desert
again, imagining that she was having a splendid time with Golden. But deep down in her heart,
she knew that her dear friend wouldn’t ever come back. She, however, could feel that her pet was
with her, since she saw her name written on the desert in really, really big letters... GOBI.
I believe that Golden is still protecting the animals and people in the Gobi desert, with his
master, Gobi.
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